100 Years of Congregation Brith Sholem: Honoring the Jewish Community in Ogden, Utah: The Shofar: Congregation Brith Sholem Monthly Bulletin
The Shofar: Congregation Brith Sholem Monthly Bulletin
When the Jewish community of Ogden formed Congregation Ohab Sholem in 1890, they communicated information about religious services and other gatherings through word of mouth. This type of communication worked well during this time as most of the congregation members lived and conducted business on or near Twenty-Fifth Street. Also during this time and into the early twentieth century, The Ogden Standard and other local area newspapers shared information about social events, worship services, and other news about the congregation.
As children of the early Jews began moving away from Ogden due to marriage, jobs, school, or enlisting to serve in WWII, the congregation’s membership declined. During this time and well into today, new Jewish families began to settle in Utah. Most moved to northern Utah for career opportunities at local universities and other local organizations. This meant that Congregation Brith Sholem received new members from places outside of Ogden. These new members would drive a good distance to attend services and other events at the synagogue on Grant Avenue. This distance between the congregation and other members possibly sparked the need for the congregation to start writing bulletins that would reach the Jewish community living throughout northern Utah.
The first monthly bulletin Congregation Brith Sholem issued was in August 1968, which was mailed to home addresses of congregation members. The purpose of the bulletin was “to keep the Jewish Community of Ogden, Roy, Brigham City and other nearby localities informed of the activities of the several organizations which have been active in this area, and of special events of interest of its member families.”[1] This particular bulletin highlighted the dates for High Holy Services for 1968, updates on the Ogden Jewish Welfare Board, information about the B’Nai Brith Chapter of Ogden, Sunday School registration information and registration form, community news, and past events.
Since then, Congregation Brith Sholem continues to produce a monthly bulletin for their members and other interested readers. Today, the bulletin is called The Shofar, and is published electronically. The Shofar covers a variety of topics, including monthly services, birthdays, Yahrzeit days (anniversaries of a loved one’s death), wedding anniversaries, letters from the president and the student rabbi, and other informative topics. Since 2020, The Shofar began including messages from current members. These messages provide an image and a biographical piece written by the member, which allow subscribers of the bulletin to learn about other members in the congregation.