100 Years of Congregation Brith Sholem: Honoring the Jewish Community in Ogden, Utah: Past and Present Members of Congregation Brith Sholem
Past and Present Members of Congregation Brith Sholem
The history of Congregation Brith Sholem expands beyond its commemoration of 100 years. In 1890, early Jewish settlers of Ogden, like: business partners Ben Oppman and Samuel Rosenbluth, brothers Joseph and William Benowitz, and married couple, Abraham and Rosa Siner, established Congregation Ohab Sholem to continue practicing and honoring Jewish culture and religion in a new Western city. These members of the congregation, and other members mentioned in previous pages, represent only a small number of past and present members of Congregation Brith Sholem. There are countless members not mentioned who were instrumental in maintaining the synagogue throughout the twentieth century, which aided in the preservation of the Jewish culture and religion in Ogden.
For more information about past and current members, please visit the Congregation Brith Sholem website: https://brithsholem.org/
Since the congregation’s establishment in 1890 to present, its household memberships have fluctuated. During the first few decades of the congregation’s founding, household memberships capped at around twenty families. The quantity jumped to over fifty household memberships during the 1920s. Beginning in the 1930s and lasting into the late twentieth century, the number of memberships slowly declined. During this period the household memberships fluctuated between twenty to thirty families. In 2021, the congregation holds thirty-five household memberships. Members are not only located in Ogden, but also come from neighboring towns such as Farr West, Logan, and even Southern Idaho.
Presented below is a list of names of members of Congregation Brith Sholem from 1890 to present. The names listed derive from archival records located at Utah Digital Newspaper Project, Weber State University Archives, and Congregation Brith Sholem. Note that the list is incomplete.
- Dale Aron
- Eric Aron
- George Adelman
- Ellie Adelman
- Ruth Adelman
- Benjamin Aguirre
- Jessica Aguirre
- Matthew Aguirre
- Alberts
- Daniel Amsel
- David Amsel
- Eric Amsel
- Judi Amsel
- Harvey Ansel
- Leslie Ansel
- Aranowitz
- Ares Barringer
- Emma Barringer
- Jonathon Barringer
- Jaques Behar
- Lizzie Behar
- Beitman
- Burton Benowitz
- Elizabeth Benowitz
- Evelyn Benowitz
- Joseph Benowitz
- Lillian Benowitz
- Marion Benowitz
- Marshall Benowitz
- Mary Benowitz
- Mollie Benowitz
- Ralph Benowitz
- Regina Benowitz
- William Benowitz
- Sarah Davis Berger
- Scott Berman
- David Bernhaut
- Gayle Bernhaut
- Ross Bernhaut
- Bloom
- Harry Bloom
- Leo Bloom
- Frank Blumenstine
- Harry Booth
- Max Booth
- Brett Borach
- Gary Boyle
- Gary Lane Boyle
- Karen Boyle
- Mary Jo Boyle
- Ridge Boyle
- Frank Brittain
- Geri Brodstein
- Robert Brodstein
- Marilyn Elaine Bruckner
- Sam Bruckner
- Shirly Bruckner
- Katjie Bulthuis
- Elizabeth Byrnes
- Arthur Caplan
- Frances Caplan
- Sutton Caplan
- Jayne Carlson
- Joanne Carlson
- Trevor Carlson
- Gale Chapman
- Addie Cohen
- Jim Cohen
- Shirley Cohen
- William Cohen
- Cohn
- Audrey Collman
- Bruce Collman
- Alvin Colter
- Rita Copperman
- Seymour Copperman
- Barbara Cornfeld
- Michael Cousens
- R. Danieli
- Kenneth Davidson
- L. Davidson
- Max Davidson
- A.J. Dees
- Bobbi Rubin DeGrado
- Helen DeHay
- Jesse DeHay
- Harry Diamond
- Ronna B. Diamond
- Joy Erickson
- Celeste Eversole
- Bill Eversten
- Joy Eversten
- Jack Farber
- Leslie Farber
- Susan Farber
- Dorothy Feldman
- Ellen Feldman
- Harold Feldman
- Carey Feldstein
- Jeff Feldstein
- Beverly Figueroa
- Robert Fineman
- Benjamin Fogel
- Molly Fogel
- Myer Fogel
- Annie Friedman
- Barbara Friedman
- Fae Friedman
- Ari Geller
- Cyrus Geller
- David Geller
- Debra Geller
- Tori Geller
- Abraham Gertz
- Sinclair Gertz
- Tess Gertz
- Nomi Gilbert
- Norman Gilbert
- Joe Glaves
- Roberta Glidden
- Anna Gordon
- Fannie Gordon
- Isidor Gordon
- Sidney Gordon
- Noah Gotbaum
- Abraham Greenband
- Ida Greenband
- Jacob Greenband
- Manya Greenband
- Olga Greenband
- Sharon Greenband
- Sonia Greenband
- Jan Gross
- Lewis Gross
- Steven Haas
- Twila Haas
- Beth Halperin
- Rochelle Halperin
- Brenda Hansel
- Kelly Hansel
- Gustav Havas
- Jeannette Havas
- Sandy Havas
- Katherine Henderson
- Betty Herscovitz
- David Herscovitz
- Edward Herscovitz
- Harry Herscovitz
- Sam Herscovitz
- DeDe Herst
- Louis M. Howard
- Heather Hughes
- David Irving
- Jacobs
- Debbie Jakabowitz
- Donald Jenkins
- Gloria Kasarsky
- Solomon Kasarsky
- Connie Kaufman
- Gordon Kaufman
- Mark Kaufman
- Terri Kaufman
- Steven Kaufman
- Caroline Kellogg
- Kennedy
- Sandi Kennedy
- William Kennedy
- Jacob Kertz
- Samuel Kertz
- Kholos
- Clark Kholos
- Kohn
- Kimberly Kincher
- Ron Kincher
- William Kirshbaum
- Elaina Kliger
- Irmgard Kliger
- Joe Kliger
- Murray Wolf Kliger
- Sam Kline
- Harry Klotsas
- Clara Kraines
- Freida Kraines
- Isadore Kraines
- Joseph Kraines
- Rose Kraines
- Ruth Kraines
- David Kreines
- Elizabeth Kreines
- Henrietta Kreines
- Leon Kreines
- Milton Kreines
- Morris Kreines
- Samuel Kreines
- Sarah Kreines
- Robert Krinski
- Amalia Kuchler
- Herman Kuchler
- Isaak Kuchler
- Rudolph Kuchler
- Theodore Kuchler
- Morris Kuperman
- Benjamin Lampert
- Bunnie Lampert
- Marvin Lampert
- Kenneth Laughman
- Harry Lavin
- G. Lawing
- Evan Lee
- Joe Leven
- Abe L. Levin
- Marc Levine
- Bud Levy
- Charlotte Levy
- Jess Levy
- Mimi Levy
- Morrie Levy
- Levy
- Ian Luria
- Lutzker
- David Lutzker
- Kate Lutzker
- Lillian Lutzket
- DeVora Lyon
- Jack Lyon
- Jay M. Lyon
- Kim Lyon
- Talia Macevschi
- Marsha Mathur
- Frances Mazer
- Nathan Mazer
- Karen McCowan
- Mike McCowan
- Carol McNamara
- Isabella McNamara
- Peter McNamara
- Gary Mednick
- Medoway
- Jerry Meents
- Hanna Meents
- Hartog Meents
- Amy Meighan
- Bill Meighan
- Mendelson
- Julius Mendelson
- R. Moates
- Alegra Bree Moreno
- Christopher Moreno
- Ezzoh Moreno
- Judeas Moreno
- Sam Morrison
- Aaron Henri Moyal
- Henry Moyal
- Harry Muchman
- Newman
- Phil Newman
- Ben Oppman
- Rose Oppman
- Kaylee Osly
- Ridge Osly
- Frances Ostendorf
- Betty Packer
- Morris Packer
- Bill Pallack
- Al Pally
- Joseph Pelham
- Margaret Pelham
- Jeff Pendergast
- Mindy Pendergast
- Plonsky
- Herb Pressman
- Marcia Pressman
- Clara Herscovitz Rasnick
- Harry Rasnick
- Karen Rippens
- John Rogers
- Dan Rosen
- Nathan Rosen
- Samantha Rosen
- William Rosen
- Leonard Rosenband
- Reva Rosenband
- Joseph Rosenblatt
- Henry Rosenbluth
- Rosa Rosenbluth
- Samuel Rosenbluth
- Rosenthal
- Joe Rubenstein
- Abe Rubin
- Bertha Rubin
- Harry Rubin
- Herman Rubin
- Jenny Rubin
- Lillian Rubin
- Louis Rubin
- Marc Rubin
- Marian Rubin
- Mike Rubin
- Raya Rubin
- Sam Rubin
- Sylvia Rubin
- Harvy Ruskin
- Larie Ruskin
- Lillian Ruskin
- Lou Sachter
- Paul Sachter
- David Sackolwitz
- Marilee Sackolwitz
- B. St. Clair
- Alice Salita
- Bernard Salita
- Karen Salita
- Josh Salita
- Mark Salita
- Muriel Salita
- Shelly Salita
- Franklin Salzman
- R. Samuels
- Adolph Saperstein
- Hirschel Saperstein
- Saundra Saperstein
- Aaron Schneider
- Alyssa Schneider
- Amy Schneider
- Jeff Schneider
- Pam Schneider
- Reese Schneider
- Rhett Schneider
- Rory Schneider
- Alex Schultz
- Karen Seidner
- Loyal Seidner
- Max Seidner
- Chloe Sheets
- Eugene Shiffman
- Jacki Shina
- Nancy Shina
- Sammy Shina
- Liesel Shineberg
- Abraham Siner
- Rosa Siner
- Ona Siporin
- Steve Siporin
- Sam Skeegan
- Max Smith
- Morris Sovetky
- Sadie Sovetky
- Julie Spark
- Walter E. Specter
- Stephanie Speicher
- Alan Stanley
- Bobbi Stanley
- Adolf Steiner
- Anne Stephens
- Elliot Stephens
- Mark Stephens
- Miriam Stephens
- Cole Stern
- Diane Stern
- Eric Stern
- Walker Stern
- R. Strinksy
- Swartz
- Cindy Tachman
- Michael Tachman
- Rickie Tachman
- Diana Taylor
- Kimberly Tene
- Michael Tene
- Ron Tene
- Chris Tice
- Sue Tice
- Max Ulrich
- Isaac Venegas
- Simona Venegas
- Vikki Vickers
- Marcy Victor
- Neal Wagner
- Romy Wagner
- Wayne Wagner
- Morris Waldman
- Janice Ward
- Sarah Ward
- Sheldon Ward
- Jorja Warren
- Rosalind Warren
- Maurice Weinberger
- Morris Weinberger
- Sam Weinberger
- Brandi Whitney
- David Whitney
- Devon Whitney
- Gillian Whitney
- Joshua Whitney
- Wolf
- Evan Wong
- Jody Wong
- Wai Ming Wong
- Anna Zack
- Ben Zack
- Laurel Zack
- Nathan Zack
- Abby Zeveloff
- Linda Zeveloff
- Naomi Zeveloff
- Samuel Zeveloff
- Susannah Zeveloff
- Kirk Ziegler
- Renee Ziegler
- Jack Zimmerman