100 Years of Congregation Brith Sholem: Honoring the Jewish Community in Ogden, Utah: The Joys of Congregation Brith Sholem
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The Joys of Congregation Brith Sholem
A new member of Congregation Brith Sholem since 2020, Kenneth Laughman began his journey into Judaism several years ago. Kenneth was introduced to Congregation Brith Sholem in fall 2019. He began attending religious services at the synagogue and delved more into reading the Torah. With guidance from Student Rabbi Sivan and congregation member Judi Amsel, Kenneth has gained an immense knowledge of Judaism and an understanding of his self. Since becoming an active member of congregation and participating in their religious services and events, Kenneth has “found nothing but understanding, compassion, inspiration, and yes, love.”
I feel joy
In older age I have found my path
A way to live
A way, THE way, for me
The way to bring glory to Him
For the blessings He gave
And continues to give
My heart is filled with joy today
Because I AM on the right path
The destination does not matter
It is not known to me
It is better this way
So I can enjoy the journey
I feel joy
—Kenneth Laughman