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Plague: How to Avoid It

An image of doctors and student in a sick house


As a person living in the Renaissance, one’s ability to avoid plague was of the utmost importance. Cogan detailed in this book what he considered the best ways to avoid sickness. Just as the Black Death was caused by spiritual and physical means, it was avoidable by the same factors. Devout prayer was the religious way to combat God’s wrath, as the repentance of one’s sins was deeply encouraged to prevent disease. Preventive measures within the physical realm differed. If one had the means to leave, Cogan recommended they flee from the infected area. If one did not, they should "purify the air" with fire. It was also recommended to burn most other things that had come into contact with plague. He advised one should leave places where the air felt moist and cold. He also discussed how one should avoid sharing clothing and linens. Despite everything it was Cogan belief that it was God’s will whether or not one lived or died. [2]

[2] Utah State University Special Collections, Utah State Univ. Sp. Coll. and Archives Col. V. Gr. no 16