Cheerleaders and Songleaders

In the 1930s, cheerleaders were young men elected by the student body to be in charge of school spirit and student section cheering at sporting events. There were usually two positions available: the cheerleader or yell-leader (who would do tricks and other crazy antics on the field or court to get the attention of the crowd) and the songleader (who would lead and sometimes write spirited chants or songs for the students to sing).[1] The tradition of entire cheerleading squads did not begin until the late 1940s. By the mid-1950s, USU had welcomed a separate cheerleading squad composed almost entirely of women.[2] 

[1] Utah State University, “Buzzer 1931” (1931). USU Buzzer Yearbook. 22. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/buzzer/22.
[2] Utah State University Photographic Services Collection, 1943–1984. USU_P0376. Utah State University Merrill-Cazier Library Special Collections & Archives. Logan, Utah.