(In) The Road of Progress: The West Side and I-15: Utah Postwar Roadway Needs
Utah Postwar Needs
Like other urban centers across the nation, postwar growth in Salt Lake City saw its downtown streets become increasingly crowded. In 1947, a comprehensive “origin and destination” traffic study was conducted in the Salt Lake Metropolitan Area.
This traffic study determined that 85 to 95 percent of traffic used the State Street portion of Highway 89 to enter Salt Lake City. Traffic from the highway, the main north-south route in the area, had become too much for downtown to bear. Something needed to be done.[1]
[1] Ezra C. Knowlton, History of Highway Development in Utah (Utah: Utah State Department of Highways, 1964), 453, 602; “Highway 89 (a.k.a. State Street,” Salt Lake County Archives, February 27, 2014, https://slcoarchives.wordpress.com/2014/02/27/highway-89-a-k-a-state-street/