Year of Water: International Programs
International Programs
Between 1965 and 1980, USU’s international student population dramatically increased. In 1981, international students comprised more than ten percent of USU’s total enrollment. With establishment of the Inter-American Center for the Integral Development of Land and Water Resources (CIDIAT), USU began its long relationship with Latin American countries. The subsequent establishment of the International Irrigation Center during the early 1980s continued the university’s international outreach by providing training and conducting research. The center also functioned as a technical resource center for the promotion of international cooperation and understanding.
Furthermore, in cooperation with Cornell and Colorado State University, USU initiated the Water Management Synthesis Project in 1982. Funded through the U.S. Agency for International Development, the project extended for five years with a budget of over $20 million, and it included projects from Peru to Pakistan. Irrigation engineer Jack Keller codirected the project.
Furthermore, in cooperation with Cornell and Colorado State University, USU initiated the Water Management Synthesis Project in 1982. Funded through the U.S. Agency for International Development, the project extended for five years with a budget of over $20 million, and included projects from Peru to Pakistan. Irrigation engineer Jack Keller co-directed the project.