


Bumbuli Kaya and Surroundings, c. 1914


Children along a path in the Bumbuli Kaya. Walther Dobbertin, c. 1913.

The image shows a closeup of the Bumbuli Kaya with children in front. Its one of the few landscape images with any people in it. This one captures several kids on pathway above a large collection of traditionally built houses at the Bumbuli Kaya. The kidscuriosity seems to have gotten the better of their fear.


Typical Shambaa household with ancient architectural styles.

The enlargement shows a settlement style likely present in the mountains for many centuries. The compound is large enough to contain a lineage house hold whose head controls access to local horticultural space. Several compounds like this one located within sight of each other formed a closely-knit community tied together by marriage, ritual, and social obligations.