The Usambara Project: Landscapes of Continuity and Change in the West Usambara Mountains, c. 1910


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Welcome to the Usambara Public History Project Digital Exhibit. The exhibit contains early twentieth century landscape photographs from Walther Dobbertin, a professional photographer resident in German East Africa from approximately 1903 to 1914. In addition to Dobbertin’s images, the Usambara Project team located and photographed several of the original landscapes in 2016 and 2019.

In addition to their depictions of German life in East Africa, the exhibit’s images argue for Africans carrying out an ecological restoration project using time tested techniques that conserved soil and relied on a diverse set of exotic and indigenous plants.

The Larger Project

The exhibit forms part of the Usambara Landscape History Project, which aims to document the history of landscape transformation across the Usambara Mountains of North-eastern Tanzania. Collaborators include the Mlalo Elder’s Council, The Usambara Elder’s Council, Utah State University Libraries' Digital Initiatives Unit, Utah State University Libraries' Special Collections & Archives Department, Kivatiro Hamza Kitojo, Sufian Shekoloa (marehemu) and Chris Conte, Professor, Utah State University.

Work to Date

  • 2016 –Located the sites of the Dobbertin landscapes and conducted preliminary interviews to determine the project’s feasibility.
  • 2019 –Conducted group interview sessions at Mlalo, Gare, Kwefingo, and Vuga over the month of July.

Upcoming Work

  • 2022 –Complete and show physical exhibit.
  • 2022 –Complete first iteration of the digital exhibit.
  • 2022 –Agroforestry stories, mapping, and inventories.
  • 2022 –Identify new projects and invite new team members.