This exhibit was created by a USU student. (learn more...)

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 If you would like to learn more about the fieldwork completed at the Triangle X by field school students, we invite you to browse the Jackson Hole Dude Ranching Tradition: Triangle X digital collection or the archival (EAD) guide.


You may also explore the exhibits associated with the 2015 USU/LOC Field School focused on refugees in Cache Valley Utah.

Voices: Eritrean Refugees in Cache Valley, Utah

Voices: Karen Refugees in Cache Valley, Utah

Voices: Burmese Muslims in Cache Valley, Utah

The 2017 LOC/UW/USU Field School for Cultural Documentation was a success due to the collaboration of the following institutions:

Utah State University Folklore Program

Utah State University Special Collections and Archives

University of Wyoming American Studies

American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress

Triangle X Ranch