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'Approach to Salt Lake City, from the Utah Central Railroad'
'Digging out a Train from a Snow Drift' - Union Pacific Railroad(?)
'Interior of Mormon Tabernacle, showing great o[r]gan of 12,000 pipes'
'Looking Across Donner Lake - To the Summit' - Two people visible in small boat
'Meeting of Engines, laying last The U.P.R.R. & C.P.R.R' - at Golden Spike Ceremony
'Mormon Jubilee Salt Lake July 21 to 26 - 1897 (Childrens Day)'
'Mormon Tabernacle, 250 feet Long, 150 feet Wide, 80 feet High, will seat 12,000 Persons'
'Mormon Temple Block Salt Lake City' - looking northwest at the Mormon Temple Square in Salt Lake City
'Needle Palm, (Yucca Brevifolia,) growing on the desert, south of St. George, Southern Utah'
'Ogden from the U.C.R.R. bridge' - Utah Central Railroad bridge and engine
'On the grade for the Blue Lakes, Idaho' - carriage pulled by three teams of horses in the Snake River Valley
'Scene on the Rio Virgin' - Virgin River near Zion Naional Park
'Second, South Street, and Theatre' - includes the Salt Lake City Opera House
'Tunnel No. 3 and Weber River' - Union Pacific railroad
'View of Camp Douglas from Residence of Commanding Officer, looking South'
'Wahsatch [sic] Mountains from University' - Salt Lake City including view of the Exchange Building
This article, printed in the Ogden Examiner, details Gustav Becker's trip to California. Mr. Becker's article is full of praises for Californian industry and agriculture. Two columns of the article are dedicated to Gustav's analysis of the proposed…
This article outlines the reasons behind the liquidation of the Becker Manufacturing Company. The Becker Manufacturing Company of Ogden was formed after the Becker Brewing and Malting Company of Ogden was dissolved in 1917. Upon the dissolution of…
In 2007 the Salt Lake Tribune featured a story on Stan Sanders' collection of historical Utah brewing paraphernalia. The article also highlights several of the major historical breweries in Utah including the Becker Brewing and Malting Company,…
This newspaper section has several articles regarding the Becker Brewing and Malting Company. The article at the top of the page, entitled "Historic Brewery's saga ending" describes the demise of the Becker Brewing and Malting Company and the…
This advertisement proof and accompanying invoice were created for the Becker Brewing and Malting Company by the Western Hotel Supply Company of Seattle, Washington. The ad was used to furnish the menu covers of a cafe in Ely, Nevada.
1000 Mile Tree, Weber Canyon. Chas. W. Carter, Photographer, Salt Lake City, Utah
No. 2757. 1000 Mile Tree, Weber Canyon, Utah. Photographed by Carleton Watkins
95 West from mouth of Tunnel 3. Probably in Weber or Echo Canyons. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. Photographed by Jackson Bros., Omaha, Nebraska
This pamphlet describes the history, the founders, and the conditions in which Becker's Becco is made. It provides photographs of the Becker Products Company factory, the original Becker plant, John Becker and his sons, photos of the factory…
A view of Lion and Beehive Houses in Salt Lake City
A view of Salt Lake City, probably taken from Capitol Hill
A view of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City under construction
A. J. Simmonds (left), Special Collections Librarian, and Burdette Peterson, Public Services Librarian, examine contents of 1930 Merrill Library cornerstone. Size of photograph: 6.5 x 4.5 in.
Acquisitions, located in the south end of the library, 1950s. Seated at the right is Helen Harmon, the Acquisitions Librarian. Size of photograph: 3 x 3 in.
This is an advertisement for Becker's American Pilsner Beer. Becker's Best was re-branded as Becker's American Pilsener during the Second World War. This advertisement features an illustration of a man preparing to serve his guest a bowl of popcorn…