Fine Arts and Crafts

Arts were one of the areas where Native American culture was encouraged at Intermountain from the beginning. Students studied and practiced Native-inspired arts and crafts such as painting, weaving, and beading in their classes, often under the guidance of Native teachers. Over the years, many murals inspired by Native American themes graced the walls of the school and encouraged the students to take pride in their heritage.

“First Dates, Homesickness, and Desert Murals: Selected Works from the Intermountain Indian School, 1950–1984,” 15 Bytes, Artists of Utah, published June 12, 2019, http://artistsofutah.org/15Bytes/index.php/first-dates-homesickness-and-desert-murals-selected-works-from-the-intermountain-indian-school-1950-1984/.
Carlos Junior Guadarrama, "An Analysis of Murals Painted by Students at Intermountain Indian School in Brigham City, Utah” (master’s thesis, Utah State University, 2018), https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/gradreports/1246/.