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Oats Closeup, Gerard's Herbal: The General History of PlantsUtah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives, HATCH 39&40

Oats, Nature, and Virtues

Oats as a plant isn't described at all. This is due to their wide use among all people and lands. Gerard assumes that everyone is familiar with the oat plant. All lands have breads involving oats. Some even make an ale of oats. Oatmeal ends up being the most common and universal use. 

 The nature of oats simply put is dry and cold.

 Oats have many uses. Oats wrapped in linen with a little bay salt and brought to temperature in a pan will ease side pain and stomach pain. If you have chapped or cut hands, then simply boil oats put them in a bowl to inhale and cover yourself in blankets to sweat. By doing this you will help cool yourself down and stop sweating long term. Oatmeal as a poultice is good for scours and burns as it dries and cools. Oatmeal also has the added benefit of keeping a maid well colored especially if chased by a draught of vinegar.

[1] John Gerard, The General History of Plants, ed. Thomas Johnson, (Adam Islip Joice Norton and Richard Whitakers, 1633) 74-75