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Marketing Fruits and Vegetables in Utah by W. Preston Thomas and George T. Blanch. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 316.
Articles of Incorporation and by-laws of the Utah Industrial Reconstruction Association, 1932.
Tomato and canning association correspondence to Mr. A.W. Chambers from F.R. Wilcox and J.C. Lettice, dated August 2, 1938 and August 18, 1937.
Compilation of statistical data on tomatoes for Utah and other tomato producing areas, 1925-1936. Data taken from Yearbook of Agriculture and Crops and Markets, U.S.D.A., Office of Utah Canners Association, and the 1937 Yearbook of Agriculture.
Program for the Utah Canners Association 27th Annual Convention, February 26 and 27, 1937 at Hotel Ben Lomond in Ogden, Utah.
Final Draft Report : Economic Policy Options for Utah Agriculture by Donald. L. Snyder, Jay C. Andersen, DeeVon Bailey, and E. Bruce Godfrey, September 1985. Economics Research Center Study Paper #85-27.
Testimonial given in honor of Dr. William Preston Thomas in the Student Union Building on the Utah State University campus, October 31, 1959.
The Annual Report of Weber County Farm Bureau, Men's Department Volume 3, 1919.
Farm Bureau News, Weber County, annual edition, Volume II, December 1918.
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number thirteen, for the year ending June 30th, 1910. College Bulletins issued quarterly, Vol. X, no. 8. "This number contains a review of the Utah County Farmers' and Housekeeper's School." Annuals of Farmers…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual twelve, for the year ending June 30, 1909. College Bulletins issued quarterly, Vol. 9, no. 5. "This number is devoted to poultry." Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the seasons…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual eleven for the year ending June 30, 1908. College Bulletins issued quarterly, Vol. 1, no. 4. "This number is devoted to dairying." Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the seasons…
Utah State Farmers' Institute Annual number 10, for the year ending June 30, 1907. College Bulletins issued quarterly, Vol. 7, no. 4. "This number is devoted to Arid Farming." The Annuals of the Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number seven, for the year ending October 31, 1904. College Bulletins issued Quarterly, Vol. 4, no. 3, October 1904. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work,…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number six, for the year ending June 30, 1902. College Bulletins issued Quarterly, Vol. 2, no. 3, October 1902. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work,…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number five, for the year ending June 30, 1901. College Bulletins issued quarterly, Vol. 1, no. 3, October 1901. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work,…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number three, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work, which contains leading papers and discussions presented at…
Second annual of the Utah State Farmers' Institutes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work, which contains leading papers and discussions presented at…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number four, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900. Containing proceedings of the Central Institute, held at Ogden, March 1, 2,3, 1900. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the…
Program for annual Farmers' Round Up and Housekeeper's Conference, two week session at Utah Agricultural College.
First annual report of the Utah State Farmers' Institutes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work, which contains leading papers and discussions…
Program for the 1912 Farmer's Special Industrial Train of the Utah Agricultural College. "Enroute by way of The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad," February 20-March 12, 1912.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 1, June 1927.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 8, January 1927.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 6, November 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 5, October 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 4, September 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 3, August 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 2, July 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XII, Number 1, June 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XI, Number 12, May 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XI, Number 10, March 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XI, Number 9, February 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XI, Number 8, January 1926.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XI, Number 7, December 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume XI, Number 5, October 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume IV, Number 3, August 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume IV, Number 2, July 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume IV, Number 1, June 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 11, April 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 10, March 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 9, February 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 8, January 1925.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 7, December 1924.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 6, November 1924 version 1.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 6, November 1924 version 2.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 5, October 1924.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 4, September 1924.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 2, July 1924.
Farm Bureau News, Cache County, Volume VIII, Number 1, June 1924.