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Full page illumination of the Three Living and the Three Dead "at a roadside cross, and below, Job on the dungheap being consoled by his friends (Office of the Dead in which the readings are taken from the book of Job)".
Illumination of the Presentation in the Temple (none of the Hours of the Virgin)
Illumination of the Pentecost "showing the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove upon the gathered disciples and Mary (Short Hours of the Holy Spirit).
"Illumination of the Nativity (prime of the Hours of the Virgin)."
Illumination of the Mass of Saint Gregory. " Gregory sees a vision of the risen Christ as he elevates the host at the the consecration, thus eliminating his doubts about the real presence of Christ in the consecrated bread."
Illumination of the Flight into Egypt (vespers of the Hours of the Virgin).
Full page illumination of the Crucifixion "with Mary and John the Evangelist to Christ's right and the Jewish leaders to his left, and below, the Road to Calvary (short hours of the Holy Cross)".
Illumination of the Coronation of the Virgin "by God the Father as the Dove hovers overhead (compline of the Hours of the Virgin)".
Illumination of the Annunciation of the angel to the shepherds (terce of the Hours of the Virgin).
Full page illumination of the Annunciation of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary and the Immaculate Conception below (this is understood by the meeting of Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate).
Illumination of the Adoration of the Magi (sext of the Hours of the Virgin).
"Illumination of St. Matthew with his symbol of the winged man or angel (gospel pericope)."
"Illumination of ST. Mark with his symbol, the winged lion (gospel pericope)."
"Illumination of St. Luke with his symbol of the winged ox (gospel pericope)
Illumination of St. John the Evangelist. He is holding a chalice full of snakes "in reference to his overcoming poison (gospel pericope)"
Illumination of St. Jerome in the desert, "beating his chest before an altar on which stands a crucifix, with his lion looking on (first nocturn of the matins of the Office of the Dead, in which the first psalm, Ps. 5, 'Verba mea auribus percipe'…
Illumination of Saint John the Baptist "standing in the desert pointing to the Lamb of God that rests on the book in John's hand (suffrage of Saint John the Baptist)
Illumination of Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child across the river (suffrage of Saint Christopher).
Illumination of Saint Barbara "holding the palm of martyrdom and reading from a book with the tower in which her father shut her up in the background (suffrage of Saint Barbara)".
Illumination of Job "on the dung-heap being ridiculed by his wife (third nocturn of of matins of the Office of the Dead)".
Illumination of Job "on the dungheap as his wife throws slops out of the window (second nocturn of matins of the Office of the Dead)".
Full page illumination of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane with apostles sleeping below.
Full page illumination of David kneeling in prayer, "his psaltery in the ground before him, and below, David as a young man with his slingshot and Goliath with his hand to his head in pain (Penitential Psalms; authorship of the psalms was…
Diagram illustrating the different parts of an illuminated page of the De Villers Book of Hours
Outer cover of the De Villers Book of Hours, photo taken in Utah State University Special Collections and Archives.
A prayer book intended for use by lay persons for the purpose of daily recited the Divine Office, a complicated series of prayers following sections written mostly in medieval Latin: full calendar (in French), standard pericopes of the gospels (John…
Wayne & Sammy's Barber Shop, 315 Loockerman, Dover, DL 19904
Wayne & Sammy's Barber Shop, 315 Loockerman St., Dover, DE 19904
Wayne & Sammy's Barber Shop, 315 Loockerman St., Dover, DE 19904
Photograph of the Davis High School marching band from Ogden in the 1973 Homecoming parade.
This photo of David Eccles was taken in 1887-1888 as he served as the mayor of Ogden, Utah.
A photograph of David Eccles, at the age of 51, in 1900. In 1900 Eccles and the Eccles Corporation established the Ogden Rapid Transit Company and started the foundation for what would become the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad.
One of the most famous photographs of David Eccles, this photo shows Eccles as mayor of Ogden in 1887-1888, and is used by many to represent his rise to success and prosperity from humble beginnings.
This brochure celebrates the dedication of the newly renovated president's as the David B. Haight Alumni Center.
David Eccles and his first wife, Bertha. The Eccles resided in Ogden, Utah and had 12 children together. David, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, participated in the practice of polygamy and was also married to Ellen…
Book cover, inscription, and title pages of Daughter of the Snows by Jack London. Published by J.B. Lippincott Company in 1902, this book is a first edition copy composed of 334 pages and 4 leaves of plates and is 20 cm. tall. It is inscribed to…