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This photograph of Ka Mar's grandparents hangs on the west wall of the front room in Ka Mar's apartment alongside a calendar, photographs, award certificates, and perhaps a religious motif. We did not find out the names of the grandparents.
Portrait of John A. Widtsoe, Experiment Station Director and fifth president of the Agricultural College of Utah from 1907-1916, ca. 1910. Size of photograph: 4.5 x 6.5 in.;
A photograph of Henry G. Hughes, the first bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Mendon, Utah.
This photograph is of Gustav L. Becker's funeral in January 1947. Mr. Becker was born on April 7, 1868 in Winona, Minnesota. He moved to Ogden, Utah in 1891 and lived there until his death on January 12, 1947. He was 78 years old when he passed on…
This photograph is of Gustav Becker and his trap shooting vest. The vest is adorned by the various patches and medals earned by Gustav over the course of his life. Gustav's ability as a trap shooter earned him wide recognition. He won many local and…
A photograph of Frederick Berthrong taken in the Fife Room at the Utah State University Special Collections and Archives.
A photograph of Darlene Jensen in her office at the USU-Goldenwest Credit union.
Color photograph of Crater Lake, Oregon. Includes view of Wizard Island.
A photograph of Jim and Ben Jarvis at the Culligan Water offices in Logan, Utah.
This photo features three different decorative advertising plates, each with a unique breed of horse and the Becker's Beer logo.
A photograph of a herder with his sheep. Sheep are grazing on the hillside while herder sits with his dog, 1880-1950.
Photograph agreement between L.W. Clement and Dolph Andrus
Photocopy of Dr. Hopkins holding the chisel next to Monumental Highway carving.
A number of women pose for a yearbook photo for the Home Economics club in 1949.
Photo of several wounded Japanese American soldiers, including Wallace Doi, at the Bushnell hospital in Brigham City, Utah, in 1945
Photo archivist Dan Davis dressed in 16th century costume for the Hatch Room Gala
The Amalgamated Sugar Company was originally established by David Eccles and his corporation in 1897, beginning in Ogden, Utah. The company provided financial support, and sugar became a central freight product, for the operations of the U.I.C. This…
The Amalgamated Sugar Company was originally established by David Eccles and his corporation in 1897, beginning in Ogden, Utah. The company provided financial support, and sugar became a central freight product, for the operations of the U.I.C. This…
The Amalgamated Sugar Company was originally established by David Eccles and his corporation in 1897, beginning in Ogden, Utah. The company provided financial support, and sugar became a central freight product, for the operations of the U.I.C. This…
Philip Whalen performs one of his poems in front of an audience at a town hall.
Photograph of Phil Olsen from the 1968 football season, published in the football game program on November 22, 1968.
A scrapbook page commemorating a service project to benefit Logan LDS Hospital.
A photo and caption from the 1969 Buzzer yearbook depicting members of Phi Upsilon Omicron.
Oil painting by Charles Collins entitled Pheasant, Macaw, Monkey, Parrots and Tortoise which depicts those animals listed.
Pews and balcony, white interior of church, Logan, Utah. Cache Valley Church Photo Collection
Pews and balcony, natural wook interior of church, Logan, Utah. Cache Valley Church Photo Collection.
Petition to add land to Cache National Forest, Woodruff, Rich County, Utah.
One of the traditions of the Agricultural College of Utah was a Military Ball held on the campus. In 1918, this ball was to be held on March 9. Peterson wrote to the O.L.I. on February 27, 1918 regarding special railroad rates for those who would be…
A letter from President Peterson dated January 14, 1918 to W.A. Whitney, General Manager of the Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway. Peterson responded to a request regarding an individual named Calvin Millard who had applied to the O.L.I. for employment.…
This item is a copy of the O.L.I.'s letter to the UAC on November 26, 1917 regarding a football excursion of UAC students to Salt Lake City. The O.L.I. believed that the students were to be traveling with their rail services, rather than with the…
The schedule of the U.I.C. was originally organized to best support the students who would be traveling to a number of schools and universities in Ogden and Cache Valley. This October 13, 1917 letter from President Peterson questions the O.L.I. about…
A similar letter to the one that Peterson sent in August, 1917. This letter, from January 21, 1918 thanks the O.L.I. for an annual pass for the year 1918.
Logan Canyon, Utah. Camping, 1908. Peter Peterson Family from Petersboro camping. July 1908. Note tent and poles. Photo by W.L. Peterson. Black and white photograph (6 x 10 in) mounted on board.
Photograph of a pet capuchin monkey wearing a jacket and a leash
Personal letter from Robert Sorensen to Mary Sorensen, dated May 8, 1952. Envelope reads: a letter from the Orderly Room at Yokota AFB. Bob has moved to a new "single officer's BOQ" out-from-under Don Funk's watchful eyes. He mentions sending…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated July 30, 1951. Envelope reads: After a year in pilot training, I am assigned to Randolph AFB for transition into B-29s. Some revealing comments about what I mistakenly…
Personal letter from Robert Sorensen to family, dated January 25, 1951. Letter describes his joy to be in Topeka, KS after a survival trek in Colorado for the Air Force.
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated January 2, 1952. Envelope reads: from Topeka Kansas, 2 Jan. 1952, describing the trip with Bert Crandall from Logan. Via Air.