Physical Exhibit Archive: Logan: 150 Years

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Logan: 150 Years


- Hidden Histories of Logan -

In conjunction with the 150th year anniversary of Logan’s incorpotarion, curators Daniel Davis and Clint Pumphrey selected 10 hidden stories from Special Collections’ vast and rich array of resources relating to the history of Logan. These are the stories that might not be well known, but are important nonetheless. In particular, Daniel and Clint moved beyond facts and numbers to focus on the human history that collectively make up Logan’s past. It is our hope that this exhibit will inspire others to find and share their own hidden histories within our collections.


Curators: Daniel Davis and Clint Pumphrey

Preparators: Devin Greener and Alex Ziegler

Design: Mikkel Skinner

Researchers: Joanna Dobrowolska, Adam Gifford, and Risha Price