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Hunger & Food Security: Introduction

Array ( [0] => HONR Think Tank Spring 2016 [1] => no-show [2] => student exhibit )


Many people don’t realize that hunger can be a problem in their community, because they don’t know very many people that suffer from it.  Food insecurity is defined by the USDA as household that "lacked access to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members."(USDA) This means that a household is insecure if they are going hungry, and can't provide for everyone in their household. The history behind hunger is a long one; it includes the FSA, which will be discussed in this presentation. There are many programs that have been put into place for people that need help, but with the stigma that prevents many people that need it most from taking advantage of these programs. It is frowned upon in today’s societies to tell people about their own problems with hunger and starvation, which makes it a silent problem. While many people suffer through hunger and food insecurity every day,  people have no idea that it is still a serious problem.They think that since we have enough food to go around, there’s no way that there are people starving just around the corner. But this is false, since low income and unequal access to food creates distribution issues. Moreover, while the US produces more food than it needs, much of that is wasted. This presentation will explore the issues surrounding hunger and food insecurity, locally and nationally.

Coleman-Jensen, A., Rabbitt, M., Gregory, C., & Singh, A. (2015, September). Household Food Security in the United States in 2014. Retrieved from http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/err-economic-research-report/err194.aspx