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What are Alternative Food Markets?

HONRS16group6- Organic.jpg
Ecologically Grown Vegetables [1]

As urban sprawl increases and large-scale agriculture dominates the food industry, humans are living further from their food sources. Buying directly from the producer, which was once the only way to obtain food, has now become the alternative to wholesale operations and large corporations. Through farmers' markets and CSAs, individuals and communities can return to local sources of food, thereby decreasing an individual's carbon footprint as well as supporting the local economy. 

Farmers' markets have long been a way for urban populations to buy locally-sourced food. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) was founded in the mid-1980s, merging locally-sourced food with modern convenenience. In contrast with the local supermarket, alternative markets bring back the opportunity for the farmer to sell directly to the consumer.  

Cache Valley has a number of alternative markets, including several farmers' markets, such as the Cache Valley Gardeners' Market, and CSAs, like the Utah State University Student Organic Farm.

1. Mark, E. (Photographer). (2010, September 5). Ecologically Grown Vegetables [digital image]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ecologically_grown_vegetables.jpg