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Almost Famous and Authenticity: The 70s

Array ( [0] => ENGL 4360 Spring 2017 [1] => no-show [2] => student exhibit )

The 1970s

Allwood, Emma Hope. "What You Never Know About the Fashion in Almost Famous." Dazed, 15 Sept. 2015. 
http://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/26194/1/what-you-never-knew-about-the-fashion-in-almost-famous. Accessed 15 Apr. 2017.

"Almost Famous Soundtrack." The Uncool. Vinyl Films. 2015.
http://www.theuncool.com/films/almost-famous/almost-famous-soundtrack/. Accessed 15 Apr. 2017.

Goldstein, Patrick. "This Time, It's Personal; A '70s Rock Film Co-Starring... Mom?"  Los Angeles Times. 2000. http://search.proquest.com/newsstand/docview/421542010/abstract/C6E11637932A49A2PQ/1?accountid=14761. Accessed 17 Mar. 2017.