Sarah Hargreaves interview July 19, 2007
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Sarah Hargreaves interview July 19, 2007
Mrs. Sara Hargreaves talks about growing up on her father’s plantation in Danlí, Honduras, including having servants and family celebrations; she also talks about her family history going back to Spain and Germany, including German political exiles to Costa Rica, where her father was born; being a political exile herself, first to the U.S. to attend boarding school in California and later to Costa Rica during Tiburcio Carías dictatorship. She talks about her education, studying business, even though her father wanted his daughters to study agriculture to be involved in the plantations; her work for the American Embassy and for the Costa Rican government. She talks about dating practices with chaperones. She talks about her courtship and marriage to her American husband George Hargreaves. She talks about how both sets of parents (Sara’s and George’s) were upset about their engagement. She also talks about traveling with George for his work as an engineer for the US Government (State Department) to: Peru, Haiti, Philippines, Brazil, Colombia, Panama; and finally settling in Cache Valley, Utah. She talks about flying and sailing to and from the U.S. and Honduras as a youth, including sailing on “the White Fleet,’ and the “Banana Boat.” She talks about her children growing up in Logan; and about her grandchildren, her studies, volunteer work, especially at the hospital and Cache Valley Community Health Clinic; about receiving the Utah Governor’s Silver Bowl Award for service. She talks about her father’s beliefs about service and volunteer work. She shares her warm feelings about living in Cache Valley. She also talks about her family’s sense of self, honoring tradition and her elders’ attitudes about dress and conduct, including mourning customs. At the end of the tape she talks about her needlework and furniture which she brought from her parent’s home.
The original of this item can be found at Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives, Latino Voices, FOLK COLL 38 Box 3.
Reproduction for publication, exhibition, web display or commercial use is only permissible with the consent of the USU Libraries Special Collections and Archives, (435) 797-2663.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives
Latino/Latina Voices Project, 2007, 2012
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