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Announcement for Farmers' Roundup and Housekeepers' Conference in Cedar City, February 23 to March 7, 1914.
Program for Farmers' Round Up and Housekeeper's Conference at Weber County, November 29 - December 4, 1915.
Program for Farmers' Round Up and Housekeeper's Conference at Dixie Academy, St. George, March 8-13, 1915.
Encampment News, published daily during the Annual Farmers Encampment, Volume 1, Number, 1. July 27, 1922. Encampment News is a special publication by Utah Agricultural College recording the proceedings and events at th Farmers' encampment.
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number eight, for the year ending June 30, 1905. College Bulletins issued quarterly, Vol. 5, no. 5. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work, which contains…
Utah State Farmers' Institutes, annual number nine, for the year ending June 30, 1906. College Bulletins issued Quarterly, Vol. 6, no. 4. Annuals of Farmers Institute and Housekeepers Conference recorded the season's institute work, which contains…
SYMPOSIUM ON MORMON CULTURE Papers St. George, Utah - A community portrait, by Juanita Brooks, Dixie College Mormonism and literature, by William Mulder, University of Utah Trends in Mormon economic policy, by Leonard J. Arrington, Utah State…
Purpose of the People's Practical Government Corporation and Origin of House Bill 191. Enacted by The Twenty-First Legislature of The State of Utah.
Letter to the Senators and Representatives in the Utah Legislature requesting the passage of House Bill 191, the Self-Help Bill, constructed and presented by the Unemployed Citizens of Utah and presented by Peoples' Practical Government, Inc., March…
Self-Help Plan Proposed in Lower House. Article announcing the proposal of a Self-Help bill in the Utah State legislature printed in the Salt Lake Tribune, 1935.
1937 Senate Bill, no. 183, by Mrs. Lund. An act amending sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, Chapter 72, laws of Utah, 1935, relating to the state self-help cooperative board, its membership, duties, officers, and assistants; the appointment, removal and…
Record of progress of People's Practical Government, Inc. Commencing Oct. 1931 to 1936. Record of the number of activities, service hours, and meetings. Signed by Iva Ong Willis, President of People's Practical Government, Inc.
As Farmers Forward Go : A History of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation by V. Allen Olsen.
The Cooperative Movement in Brigham City, Utah, by Kenneth Bickmore. "This is one of a series of seminar papers, written under the direction of Dr. Joel E. Ricks, chairman, Department of History, Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah, for his…
Chronological record of events leading up to the enactment of the self-help bill known as House Bill 191 - sponsored by representative Paul Peterson and made a law by the signature of the Governor March 25, 1935. See also 1935 Utah State House Bill…
Dr. W. Preston Thomas Agricultural Economics and Cooperative Marketing class material. Includes outlines, papers, histories, and cooperative marketing ideas in Utah and the United States as a whole. Dr. Thomas was the agriculture professor at Utah…
Pamphlet published by the Utah Farm Bureau regarding the Bureau's organizational structure and economic activities.
Document answering questions about the Self-Help Board, 1930s.
List of members of the Senate and House of Representatives in the Utah State Legislature, 1930s.
Report of Sifting Committee (House), March 6, 1937.
Senate Journal report on the adoption and amendment of S.B. no. 182 regarding the rules and regulations of the Self-Help Cooperative Board and Senate Journal listing bills and committee reports read in the Utah State Senate.
Works Projects Administration Material Committee including the Director's Weekly Report, State Self-Help Cooperative Board meeting minutes, 1936-1941.
State Self-Help Cooperative Board General Data including a letter to the members of the State Self-Help Board, dated March 4, 1941, a Summary of Action by the Liquidating Committee on Self-Help Units indebted to the State Self-Help Board, dated March…
Utah Coop News by the Self-Help Cooperatives and Consumer Cooperatives, March 1940, Vol. 4, No. 1 through November-December 1955, Vol. 10, No. 2.
The Consumer Cooperative Movement by Lowry Nelson.
Notations in Clarification of Uses and Misuses of Ideologies by Joseph A. Geddes. Written and presented at a joint meeting of UCA, Utah Poultry and Utah Farm Bureau leaders.
Highlights from the Early History of Co-op Service, by W. B. Robins.
Image of the “Small Wonders: The Expansive World of Insects” physical exhibit located in the Merril-Cazier Library. This exhibit was curated by USU’s Entomology Club.
Articles of Incorporation of the Utah Cooperative Association.
UCA's annual report to members, 1951. Annual meeting, Newhouse Hotel, February 29-March 1, 1952.
Utah Cooperative Association annual report, May 21, 1955. Annual stockholder's meeting for the Utah Cooperative Association (a Farmers Union affiliate) and Uintah Oil Refining Company.
Utah Cooperative News by the Utah Self-Help Cooperative Board and Utah Cooperative Association, October 28, 1936. Vol. 1, No. 1.
Utah Cooperative News by the Utah Self-Help Cooperative Board and Utah Cooperative Association, January 15, 1938. Vol. 2, No. 1.
Utah Cooperative News by the Utah Self-Help Cooperative Board and Utah Cooperative Association, January 15, 1939. Vol. 3, No. 1.
Community High-Road to Better Things (Senior manual, 1935-1936, Mutual Improvement Assoc., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). Includes Reading / by Harrison R. Merrill and Hobbies / by Claire Stewart Boyer in collaboration with Charlotte…
Two Contrasting Meanings of the Words 'Mormon Community' by Joseph A. Geddes, September 1978.
Utah Co-operator newspaper, vol. 1, no. 6, December 1946. Articles include: "The Cooperative Way, World Co-op Congress, Individuals are 'It' in Co-ops, Orem Co-op Adopts New Credit Policy, Group Health Cooperative Set Up in Seattle, Decade of…
Utah Co-operator newspaper, vol. 1, no. 7, January 1947. Articles include: "UCA Volume $572,000--Savings $30,000 for 1946, The Cooperative Way, Milllion Dollar Budget is Goal Set for 1947, Farmers Need Urban Help, Sees Increased Appliance Deliveries,…
A Critique of Utah's Culture and Economy : A Selection of Essays by Joseph A. Geddes, dated 1974.
The History of the Utah-Idaho Farmer's Union by Jesse Tuttle.
Biography of W. B. Robins, General Manager of the Utah Cooperative Association, and newsclippings, February 1967.
W.B. Robins, manager, Utah Cooperative Association (left) receives "Utah Cooperator of the Year" award from Curtis Packer, president of Utah Future Farmers of America. Photographs by Lorin D. Wiggins. Evans Sight & Sound Productions, 110 Social Hall…
Utah Cooperative Association, by Delbert E. Roach, University of Utah, Education 101b, March 1949. A report on history, activities, and member benefits of the Utah Cooperative Association.
Toward Economic Understanding, by Joseph A. Geddes, 1976.
"A Generation That Forgot." Speech given by Dr. Joseph A. Geddes at the dedication of the UCA building, 580 W. 13th South, on May 22, 1953.
UCA's Birth Was An Act of Faith, by Joseph A. Geddes, 1956.
Utah Cooperative Association Operations Chart and letter from W.B. Robbins to the UCA Co-Op managers, dated February 27, 1947.
UCA Plan of Development (1947-1951) presented by Board of Directors for Amendment and Approval by the Annual Membership Meeting, March 14, 1947.
The amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Utah Cooperative Association, October 1947.
Coordination of Cooperative Supply Purchasing Activities in Utah, Special Report No. 161, by J. Warren Mather for the United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, Cooperative Research and Service Division, July 1946.