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Doug Alder, Associate Director, Instructional Improvement
Becky Olson, Melanie Shaw, Randy Williams, Betty Dance & others at a buffet in ML 102
Becky Olson, Melanie Shaw, Randy Williams, Betty Dance & others at a buffet in ML 102
Becky Olson, Melanie Shaw, Randy Williams, Betty Dance & others at a buffet in ML 102
Becky Olson, Melanie Shaw, Randy Williams, Betty Dance & others at a buffet in ML 102
Becky Olson, Melanie Shaw, Randy Williams, Betty Dance & others at a buffet in ML 102
Mary Piette (seated left), Becky Olson (center at buffet), Melanie Shaw (far right at buffet) & others at a buffet in ML 102
Richard Schockmel, Dixie Drage, Reed Painter, Joy Fuhriman, Geniel Pond, Eliana Prichett, Lori Buttars, & Kathy Schockmel with carts of books
Richard Schockmel, Deleyne Wents, John Elsweiler at the American Library Association booth
Richard Schockmel, Deleyne Wents, John Elsweiler at the American Library Association booth
Ida Marie Logan (Jensen) on the 2nd floor of the library
Cataloging and Government Document staff pose on Gabe Wilcoxen's last day of work, July 27, 2006. From left to right, starting at the top, they are: (Row 1) Tonya Sorenson, Becky Skeen, Shelley Doney, Jennifer Pitcher, (Row 2) Mavis Molto, Charee…
ASRS transition team (L to R: Marcia Cheney, Charee Vellinga, Geniel Pond, Liz Woolcott, Robyn ??, Jennifer Pitcher, and Gabe Wilcoxen. The ASRS team transferred books from the stacks to the BARN in preparation for the move from the old Merrill…
Tonya Sorenson, Cataloging Assistant, Merrill-Cazier Library
Michelle Mascaro, Cataloger, Merrill-Cazier Library
Liz Woolcott, Cataloging Assistant, Merrill-Cazier Library
Julie Grover, Cataloging Assistant, Merrill-Cazier Library
Jen Pitcher, Cataloging Assistant, Merrill-Cazier Library
Geniel Pond, Cataloging Assistant, Merrill-Cazier Library
Cheryl Adams, Head of Cataloging, Merrill-Cazier Library
Becky Skeen, Cataloging Assistant, Merrill-Cazier Library
Barbara Fleming, Cataloger, Merrill-Cazier Library
Photo archivist Dan Davis dressed in 16th century costume for the Hatch Room Gala
Liz Woolcott with co-workers Tonya Sorenson and Michelle Mascaro dressed in 16th century costume for the Hatch Room Gala
Henry VIII and his six wives at the Hatch Room Gala in the USU Taggart Student Center, Logan, Utah. In the photo (left to right) Catalogers: Marcia Cheney, Becky Skeen, ILS worker: Jennifer, Photo Archivist Dan Davis, Catalogers: Tonya Sorenson,…
Groundbreaking ceremony reception for Merrill-Cazier Library held in the atrium of the Sci-Tech Library
Linda Wolcott at the groundbreaking ceremony reception for the Merrill-Cazier Library
Groundbreaking ceremony reception for the Merrill-Cazier Library
Kermit Hall speaking at the Merrill-Cazier Library groundbreaking ceremony