
Stained glass window depicting the washing of feet in John 13
The Ballad of the Skeletons was a poem written by Allen Ginsberg with the intention for it to be performed instead of read. It was later set to music with the aid of Paul McCartney.
Banana Equipment catalog, front cover, 1979
Banana Equipment catalog, front cover, 1977-1978
Banana Equipment catalog, front cover, 1978-1979
Blank check from the B.Y.C. National Bank
Banner tow suggestions in MERA newsletter.
BD-Liz-Cataloging Staff Portraits-BarbaraFleming.JPG
Barbara Fleming, Cataloger, Merrill-Cazier Library
Barbara Middleton and visitors at the opening night reception of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009.
Barbara Middleton, exhibit co-curator, presenting at the opening night reception of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009.
Visitors at the opening night reception of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009.
Buildings on BarBC Ranch.
This photo was taken at Topaz in September of 2019 by Alyson Griggs. This barbed wire lettering is located next to the Topaz Monument at the Topaz Site.
Barbed wire gate with a no-trespassing sign at St. Anne's Retreat, Logan Canyon.
Barbed wire gate with a no-trespassing sign at St. Anne's Retreat, Logan Canyon.
Barber Pole Horizontal photo from a miscellaneous collection of barbershop art, plaques, photos
Barber Pole Vertical, Old Photo, Antique - from miscellaneous collection of barbershop photos, plaques, memorabilia
Saturday Evening Post 2a.jpg
Oil painting that became a cover for The Saturday Evening Post in 1936
Barbershop Rustic Walls.jpeg
Photo of the interior of a rustic barbershop with many animal heads and outdoor related memorabilia on the walls and in the shop
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Bare buildings left in Ryolite, all that is left.
Barley page.jpg
The full first page of the Barley plant section in Gerards Herbal.
Barley uses pg 1.jpg
The full page of Barley from Gerards Herbal.
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This is the rest of Gerards information involving Barley.
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Barn photograph entitled "Harvest Moon" by Sam Crump. This is an ambrel-style barn located southeast of the present Mendon Post Office. Was demolished in 2011. Information found in "In the Shade of the Mountains: Histories of Mendon and Petersboro",…
BoxC2091_Page 89.jpg
Barn photograph by Sam Crump. This is an ambrel-style barn located southeast of the present Mendon Post Office. Was demolished in 2011. Information found in "In the Shade of the Mountains: Histories of Mendon and Petersboro", page 556 (top of page).
Un Barre
BoxC1064_Page 48.pdf
William and Elizabeth Matilda Wennergren Barrett Family with children (oldest to youngest): Evalene, Laura Matilda, Oscar Junius, Charlotte Barrett Baker Richards, Clarence Samuel Barrett, Selma Hortense, Algie Lavine, May Ione Wennergren (niece),…
BoxC1066_Page 49.pdf
Barrett family at the Charles Shumway home, ca. 1905. From left to right, William Barrett, Elizabeth Matilda Wennergren Barrett, Selma Barrett, Charlotte Barrett Baker Richards, Clarence Samuel Barrett, Laura Matilda Barrett. Back of photograph also…
Stained glass window depicting an angel watching over a child with a snake
Plaque with donors of the Barrett Window
Images of the leather bindings used to hold the document together.
Interior pages in body of Bartolomeo Lelii legal document
A baseball game on Intermountain campus
basketball player.jpg
basketball player
View of a large Basque sheep bell made in France, which belonged to a sheepherder from Spain and used on sheep in Morgan County. Acquired by the Utah Woolgrowers at their annual meeting in 1974.
View of a large Basque sheep bell made in France, which belonged to a sheepherder from Spain and used on sheep in Morgan County. Acquired by the Utah Woolgrowers at their annual meeting in 1974.
View of a large Basque sheep bell made in France, which belonged to a sheepherder from Spain and used on sheep in Morgan County. Acquired by the Utah Woolgrowers at their annual meeting in 1974.
Bastard Hemp.jpg
A cropped image from a page of Gerard's Herbal 2nd Edition
A postcard depicting swimmers at Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, Michigan created c. 1930-1945 by Tichner Brothers Publishers.
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An illustration by John B. Greene from J.C. Hutcheson's book, Young Tom Bowling. The illustration is likely c. 1896. It depicts a battle bewteen Somali and British sailors during the colonial period.
Oral History of Bear River Massacre.pdf
This is an oral history of the battle of Bear River given by Larry Jones to the Idaho Historical Society.
Beal catalog, front cover, 2018
Wide shot capturing the turquoise color of Bear Lake
Bear Lake
Bear Lake
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