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Intermittent issues of the Sanpete County Farm Bureau News, October 1919-November 1921.
Intermittent issues of the Salt Lake County Farm Bureau News, August 1917 - April 1922.
Uintah County Farm Bureau News Bulletin, October 1919-June 1920.
Intermittent issues of the Weber County Farm Bureau News, dating from February 1917 - August 1921.
Intermittent issues of the Wasatch County Farm Bureau Newsletter, June 1920-December 1920.
Program for Farmer's Round-up and Housekeeper's Conference held in Logan, Cache Valley, Utah from January 18 to 30, 1915. Subjects discussed were stock raising, range and farm fattening, hog raising, horse breeding, poultry production, the sheep and…
Summer school program home economics courses offered from June 12 to July 22, 1911 at the Utah Agricultural College. Also includes faculty list and course fees.
List of members of the Utah House of Representatives, along with their home districts, probably from 1937.
Utah Cooperator Newspaper, vol. 18, no. 6, Dec. 1967-Jan. 1968. Including articles, "A Tribute to Ernest R. Behling, Dr. eddes Honored at USU, Clark Wall New UCA President, B.R. Ellison Named to Fertilizer Post, What's Good for Ford Should Be Good…
List of senate committees and their memberships and information about House Bill #193.
List of articles and publications written by W. Preston Thomas. Most of the publications concern the economics of various farming industries.
The Utah Cooperator, Vol. 27, No. 2, April-May 1976. Articles include: "CENEX to Expand Operations into Utah Market with Utah Co-op Acquisition, Appointments Made by CENEX, Co-op Bank Rapidly Reaching Final Development, Farmers in Action, Armstrong…
Report on the early history of the Farm Bureau and extension work in Weber County.
Notes covering Ben Lomond Hotel Conference of Utah Farm Cooperative Leaders, August 31, 1953.
Program for Farmers' Institute for Sanpete County, April 11 and 12, 1905.
Weber County Farm Bureau News, Volume 1, Number 11, dated December 1917.
Various lists of agricultural cooperative associations in Utah, along with names and information about directors, officeers, and presidents, from 1932 to 1937. Most lists were recieved at the request of W. Preston Thomas.
Encampment News, published daily during the Annual Farmers Encampment, Volume 4, Numbers 1-3, July 20-22, 1926. Encampment News is a special publication by Utah Agricultural College recording the proceedings and events at the Farmers' encampment.
The Cooperative Movement in Sweden. Fact Sheet on Sweden, published by The Swedish Institute. Printed in Sweden, October 1983.
Greeting card made by a Chinese cooperative. Writing on the back of the greeting card reads : "Made and sold by Gung Ho Industries, Beijing. HFS. Trademark".
The International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives paper explaining the Gung Ho movement in China. Material available at the Helen Foster Snow Symposium at Brigham Young University, October 26-27, 2000.
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 2, Number 4, August-September 1959. Articles include: "Fax Company Keglers Launch Successful Season; UCA Receives Honors At National Convention; What Do You KNow…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 2, Number 3, May 1959. Articles include: "Law Day, U.S.A.; Kenny Goes To Ohio; News and Views; In the Spotlight, Dorothy Durham; Credit Union; Bowling Team; Women's…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 2, Number 2, March 1959. Articles include: "How To Get Higher Wages; The Big Push; News and Views; In the Spotlight- Mrs. Mary Bolliger; Through the Keyhole; Letter…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 2, Number 1, January 1959. Articles include: "News and Views; IBM Takes Over; Health Insurance Changed; In The Spotlight; Bowling Team Standigns; Employee…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 1, Numbers. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; July, August, September, October, November, 1958. Articles include: "The World SItuation; Machines Take Over; New Faces; In The…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 1, Number 6, June 1958.
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 1, Number 5, May 1958. Articles include: "UCA Invests."
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 1, Number 4, April. Articles include: "Pay Raises Assured!; Through the Keyhole."
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 1-Number 3, March. Articles include: "New Sprinkler System Installed at UCA; Employee Changes Noted; UCA-Uinta Employees In The Spotlight; Outlines UCA Retirement…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Volume 1, Number 2, February 1958. Articles include: "New Sprinkler System Installed at UCA; Employee Changes Noted; UCA-Uinta Employees In The Spotlight; Outlines UCA…
Varied Accounts Concerning UCA Uinta Mischief (VACUUM) UCA Employee Newspaper. Articles include: Employees Adopt New Medical Insurance; Christmas Party Tonight; Powel "Names the Paper"; Through the Keyhole; UCA, Uintah, K-W??; It'll Be Kids Day;…
Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Utah Cooperative Association (a Farmers Union affiliate), PAX Company and Uinta Oil Refining Company held March 9, 1976.
The amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Utah Cooperative Association, October 1947.
UCA Plan of Development (1947-1951) presented by Board of Directors for Amendment and Approval by the Annual Membership Meeting, March 14, 1947.
Biography of W. B. Robins, General Manager of the Utah Cooperative Association, and newsclippings, February 1967.
Utah Co-operator newspaper, vol. 1, no. 7, January 1947. Articles include: "UCA Volume $572,000--Savings $30,000 for 1946, The Cooperative Way, Milllion Dollar Budget is Goal Set for 1947, Farmers Need Urban Help, Sees Increased Appliance Deliveries,…
Utah Co-operator newspaper, vol. 1, no. 6, December 1946. Articles include: "The Cooperative Way, World Co-op Congress, Individuals are 'It' in Co-ops, Orem Co-op Adopts New Credit Policy, Group Health Cooperative Set Up in Seattle, Decade of…
Utah Cooperative News by the Utah Self-Help Cooperative Board and Utah Cooperative Association, January 15, 1939. Vol. 3, No. 1.
Utah Cooperative News by the Utah Self-Help Cooperative Board and Utah Cooperative Association, January 15, 1938. Vol. 2, No. 1.
Utah Cooperative News by the Utah Self-Help Cooperative Board and Utah Cooperative Association, October 28, 1936. Vol. 1, No. 1.
Utah Cooperative Association annual report, May 21, 1955. Annual stockholder's meeting for the Utah Cooperative Association (a Farmers Union affiliate) and Uintah Oil Refining Company.
UCA's annual report to members, 1951. Annual meeting, Newhouse Hotel, February 29-March 1, 1952.
The Consumer Cooperative Movement by Lowry Nelson.
Utah Coop News by the Self-Help Cooperatives and Consumer Cooperatives, March 1940, Vol. 4, No. 1 through November-December 1955, Vol. 10, No. 2.
Works Projects Administration Material Committee including the Director's Weekly Report, State Self-Help Cooperative Board meeting minutes, 1936-1941.
Report of Sifting Committee (House), March 6, 1937.
List of members of the Senate and House of Representatives in the Utah State Legislature, 1930s.
Document answering questions about the Self-Help Board, 1930s.