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Radio broadcast from the Farmer's Encampment on the east side of the Quad, 1925. Board of Trustees President A. W. Ivins and E. G. Peterson, UAC President, are standing with five other men, 1925. Size of photograph: 7.5 x 9.5 in.;
Brith Sholem dome at Aultorest Memorial Park in Jewish section, dedicated to commemorate Congregation Brith Sholem's 75th anniversary in 1996. If you stand directly under the dome, the bars form into the star of David, May 2021.
Brigham Young College, a History by Professor Orson F. Whitney. Reprinted from “The American University Magazine,” 70 South Street, New York. June, 1896. Displays photographs of Brigham Young, founder of Brigham Young College, and others; various…
Program for Brigham Young College 39th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 27, 1917. Includes list of graduates.
Program for Brigham Young College, 38th Annual Commencement on June 1, 1916 in Logan, Utah. Includes list of graduates.
Program for the Brigham Young College 38th Annual Commencement on May 28, 1916-June 1, 1916. Includes list of graduates.
Brigham Young College Term Examinations -Sub-Academic Reading - Three Hours June, 1900
A scrapbook consisting of mainly published images of different campus buildings, newspaper clippings about the college, class songs, and written memoirs compiled by Ada E. England Morrell; and manuscript materials including commencement programs,…
Postcard showing Brigham Young College campus (Logan, Utah) presumably in early 1900s.
A photograph album consisting of images of college buildings, students (including the class photographs of 1905, 1912, 1913 1913, and missionary class of 1911), theatrical events, athletic teams, and other student organizations. Also includes loose…
Brigham Young College Opera Company Scrapbook by W.O. Robinson (photocopies). Includes articles, reviews, and letters referencing operas: Princess Bonnie, The Mocking Bird, Yankee Consul, Florodora, and many more. Handwritten inscription reads:…
Event program for Brigham Young College Graduation Exercises of the Training School, May 26, 1919
Event program for Brigham Young College Graduation Exercises of the Training School, May 24, 1917
Event program for Brigham Young College Graduation Exercises of the Training School, June 1, 1915
Program for Brigham Young College 46th annual commencement ceremonies on Sunday, June 1st, 1924 at the Logan Tabernacle. Includes list of graduates.
Program for the Brigham Young College's 42nd annual commencement cermonies on Sunday, May 30, 1920. Includes list of graduates.
Program for Brigham Young College's 44th annual commencement ceremonies on Sunday, May 28th, 1922 at Logan Tabernacle. Includes list of graduates.
Program for Brigham Young College 40th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12, 1918. Includes list of graduates.
Event program for Brigham Young College Eighth Grade Closing Exercises of the Training School, May 25, 1921
Brigham Young College Directory of Students 1912-13, March 1913, Vol. 11, No. 4
Brigham Young College Directory of Students 1911-12, March 1912, Vol. 10, No. 4
Brigham Young College Directory of Students 1910-11, March 1911, Vol. 9, No. 4
Brigham Young College Cooking Recipes cook book, handwritten and compiled by Mary Carl [Carlisle] and instructor Phoebe Nebeker. Included in the cookbook are recipes for first and second year domestic arts students at Brigham Young College.…
Brigham Young College Cooking Recipes cook book, handwritten and compiled by Mary Carl [Carlisle] and instructor Phoebe Nebeker. Included in the cookbook are recipes for first and second year domestic arts students at Brigham Young College. …
Brigham Young College Circular, Tenth Collegiate Year, 1887-8
Brigham Young College Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 3. November 1925, Winter and Spring Quarters 1925-1926
Brigham Young College quarterly bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1908
Brigham Young College Bulletin - Normal School and General High School Departments - AnNouncements for 1911-1912