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Program for the mural on the east wall of the USU Library; mural created by Gaell W. Lindstrom and Everett C. Thorpe
Information about the Light Plus Time Incident Sculpture by Dale Eldred; this sculpture is on display in the atrium of the Cazier Science and Technology Library.
Stanford O. Cazier, University President, 1979-1992
Group of men and women outside, from left to right: Clella Ladle, Earl Buist, Hazel Sorensen Buist, Mayble Jensen, Veida Sorensen, and Joseph C. Sorensen.
Foto de el articulo "De Mojitos y daiquiris" de HuffPost Voces por Jesus Jambrina
audio de una cita de Jesús Jambrina hablando de los desiciones vocabularios que tiene que tomar.