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1952 Article from the Grand Valley Times expressing the uranium boom in Moab will continue for a long time.
Horses in corral between morning and afternoon rides. Black horse shows the deaft horse crossbreeding of many of the Triangle X horses.
Group of adult riders and wranglers returning from the morning ride.
Group of teenage suests and wranglers returning from the morning ride.
exterior of the building used to store equipment for pack trips.
The cover and title page of a book called Thy Son Liveth: Messages from a Soldier to his Mother, written by Grace Duffie Boylan
These blueprints illustrate the remodel design plans purposed by S.K. Gottfredson
Image taken from page 349 of 'Gulliver's Travels ... Illustrated ... by Gordon Browne' depicting Yahoos pulling Houyhnhnms' sled
This is a satellite photo of the USU Logan permaculture garden, located on the north end of the Nutrition and Food Science building. The garden was started through Blue Goes Green grant funding.
This satellite imagery depicts the USU Student Organic Farm in Logan, Utah. The farm provides educational opportunities for students in the form of internships and volunteering.
A google map of the 40 locations of the Extension Program throughout Utah.
A Google map section showing all the grocery stores listed for the Logan, Utah area on Google as of May 2022.
Una foto de la universidad de Madrid.
Aerial view of Salt Lake City, oriented from the north looking southeast, in 1875. Map is hand-drawn with particular reference to the city grid, principle public buildings, churches, and select named roads. This illustrated panoramic map also…
A photograph of refugees in Kakuma Camp, provided by It shows refugees, mostly children, standing outdoors in camp.
This audio file contains a recorded interview with Marilynne Glatfelter regarding the history of the Logan Rotary club.