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Students sitting and eating at the student cafeteria, that was located at the women's building before it moved to the student union center.
Seven women experimenting in a cooking lab under the supervision of a teacher.
Image of a number of women sitting around a home economics classroom.
Three women monitoring playtime for nine toddlers.
Woman models embroidered dress for a brochure advertising summer courses in Clothing and Textiles.
Two women pose for a photograph for a summer brochure for Food and Nutrition Science.
A number of women pose for a yearbook photo for the Home Economics club in 1949.
A brief description of the College of Family Life from the 1965 Buzzer yearbook.
Photograph of Beth Foley
Photograph of Shelly Knudsen Lindauer.
This is a piece of a scrapbook from the 1970's commemorating the annual Phi Upsilon Omicron fruit cake bake sale.
The Articles and Certificate of Incorporation and the Agreement of Consolidation for the establishment of the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company as established on December 27, 1918. These articles describe the leadership of the new company, its…