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Images of 334 East and 200 South. Formerly a store owned by Carl and Helena Olsen. Top image from Utah State University's Special Collections and Archives taken c. 1949. Bottom image from Google Maps taken in June 2019. The corresponding Tax…
Cardon Jewelry's clock on Logan, Utah's Main Street. Clock reads "Cardon's Time." Horses in background. 41 North Main. Logan, Utah
Cardon Art Gallery, cabinet card, Thatcher Opera and Bank. Logan, Utah
Interior scene of people walking through a car dealership talking with one another in groups while looking at cars that are on display. Signs read, "The 59 Ford brings Thunderbird elegence to the low price field" and "Ford trucks cost less."
Blind-folded and heavily-guarded, these Japanese arrive at Dutch Harbor, Alaska - but in the role of prisoners rather than fighting men. A naval engagement in Aleutian waters resulted in the capture of these three other Nipponese.
A U.I.C. freight bill dated September 8, 1928 for cleaning supplies from Lovinger Disinfectant Co. in Salt Lake City shipped to the Capitol Theatre in Logan. This form indicates that the Bamberger Electric train first transported the supplies before…
This is a postcard encouraging public involvement in the hearings held in Utah about Nuclear Waste disposal.
Herald Journal article identifies the guards involved in an armed standoff involving 30 trespassing legend-trippers at St. Anne's Retreat.
This photograph was taken by either Zane Grey or another unknown photographer during Zane Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. A view of the inside of Tsegi canyon.
The security guards responsible for the ambush of 38 trespassers at St. Anne’s retreat likely to face charges.
This photo represents cans containing food products from the early 1900's. Image widely available but shared here alongside research on the early canned food and the canning industry by Lisa Couture. Cans depict foods like pumpkin, white cherries,…
Canal in Logan Canyon. Black and white photograph (3 x 4.5 in).
Original caption “The Prairie Looking West.” Large-format photograph of a scene on the Canadian prairies. Shows bones (including a human skull) and an extremely flat horizon. Photographs taken at Lord Selkirk's settlement by Canadian photographer…
A 1962 promotional flyer for Utah State University that also contains a campus map.
Camping. Tent, car, wagon, two men, next to Logan River. Black and white negative (4 x 5 in).
Camping. Man next to tent under "hanging rock" in Logan Canyon. Black and white negative (4 x 5 in).
Camping. Man next to tent under "hanging rock" in Logan Canyon, Utah. Black and white negative (4 x 5 in).
Photograph of the Campbell family picking cotton, father at far left of the photo with two daughters in the middle and right third.