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Jan 26, 2016 photo by Robert F. Bukaty of Abdi Said, trimming a boot at the L.L. Bean factory in Lewiston, Maine.
A photo taken by Bismika Allahuma of young muslim boy looks at the camera as others pray around him.
Imaam Muhammed Shoayb talks with Latter-day Saints at the Khadeeja Islamic Center about similarities between the two faiths.
A map that shows the regional divisions of Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland, and other things.
A photograph of Salt Lake City at sunset, taken by Thomas Hawk on March 23, 2012.
Image of Phyllis R. Snow included in the 1962 Buzzer yearbook with a description and additional images of her College.
Topaz High students present the American Flag before the start of a football game between Topaz High School and Millard County High School.
A former boy scout troop from Los Angeles performs at the Topaz Hospital dedication.
Japanese American men and adolescents clearing sagebrush to create room for animal forage and gardening.
Topaz Deputy Director, James F. Hughes, giving merit badges to Boy Scouts at a Court of Honor.
"The Combo" preforming at Topaz. Sadie Tokata (piano); Ich Sasaki (guitar); G. Sakashita; Kaz Maruoko (trumpet): Albert Noda (saxophone)
USS WEST VIRGINIA and USS ARIZONA smoking after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Elementary school children in the classroom, teacher visible in the background.
A group of Topaz High School students studying in a barrack or rec hall.
Jr. High students standing with Golden Wolff and LeGrand Noble (educators) in the front.
Japanese American children saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Image is identified as being a class at Raphael Weill Elementary School in San Francisco, California. Mary Ann Yahiro, the child in the center, was separated from her mother. Her mother was…
Lines to eat at Tanforan Race Track, an assembly center. Many of the Japanese Americans at Tanforan would be relocated to Topaz Relocation Center.
Relocation sign from Mr. and Mrs. K. Iseri in California in 1942. It reads: "Many thanks for your patronage. Hope to serve you in near future. God be with you till we meet again."
Wanto Company Grocery store in California with sign, "I AM AN AMERICAN" in 1942. Once relocation was ordered, Japanese Americans were forced to sell their businesses and leave their jobs regardless of loyalty to the United States.
Japanese American boy standing in front of barracks at Topaz. Back of the photo reads "Sumida."
Japanese American girl standing in front of drying laundry hanging outside of barrack.
Photograph of Topaz "residents" arriving at Topaz. Luggage is piled high next to barracks.
Photo of an adult night class at Topaz. There were many night classes at Topaz that taught adults subjects from English language and Americanization to Psychology.