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Center Street looking West from 100 East. Labeled "Cardon, 41 Main St. Logan, Utah"
A document announcing the start of the center and outlining its purposes and goals.
A program from the dedication ceremony of the Center. This specifically outlines the dedication ceremony in the evening.
The program outlining the dedication ceremonies and programs surrounding the Center. The program was distributed to everyone in attendance.
Two young male attendees get ready for a yogurt eating contest at a religious celebration at Alzahra mosque. One of the congregants checks their blindfolds to make sure they are tightly wrapped around their eyes.
A group of men, women, and children sit on the floor of the Alzahra mosque during a celebration of the birthday of Zahra, Prophet Mohammad's daughter. Several women record the festivities on their smartphones.
Celadon tea cup. Object recovered from Chinese railroad and mining camp in the Crescent Valley, Mt. Tenabo, Nevada. Gift from the Gladis Petersen Family to the USU Museum of Anthropology.
180 Degree Panorama Picture of Cecret Lake in the Albion Basin area near Alta, Utah. Part of the Wasatch Range and Wasatch Forest area.
This photogrph was taken by either Zane Grey or another unknown photographer during Zane Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Hollowed caves in a sandstoon mountain located North of Kayenta.
Gives a few common cases of love melancholy and goes into detail of how one becomes melancholic.
Black and white photograph of two woman wading in a river in Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Utah, July 1908. Image is from a family album, in the possession of Don Smith, that shows a summer camping trip in Blacksmith Fork Canyon in July 1908. Although the…
Cache National Forest Sheep cattle grazing together- Common Use
Men standing beside two cows, in front of Cattle and Sheep Barns. Duplicate of 1:19:02.
Cattle and Plow Break Ground for the Construction of the Logan Rapid Transit System as Crowd Watches
A pair of oxen and a plow work as a crowd has gathered to witness the breaking of ground for the "Logan Street R.R." or Logan Rapid Transit Company rail lines in 1909.
A Cattle and Horse Grazing Permit issued by the Department of the Interior General Land Office to J. M. Theurer of Providence, Utah.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College, 1894-1895. Published July, 1894.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1901-1902. Published June, 1901.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1900-1901. Published August 1900.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1899-1900. Published July, 1899.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1898-1899. Published June, 1898.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1897-1898. Published June, 1897.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1896-1897. Published June, 1896.
Catalogue of the Brigham Young College for 1895-1896 with list of students for 1894-1895. Published by the College, July, 1895.
Cataloging and Government Document staff pose on Gabe Wilcoxen's last day of work, July 27, 2006. From left to right, starting at the top, they are: (Row 1) Tonya Sorenson, Becky Skeen, Shelley Doney, Jennifer Pitcher, (Row 2) Mavis Molto, Charee…
A picture of a woman in an open casket surrounded by flowers. (The photograph was commissioned by Mr. E. J. Berger.)
This is a cartoon portrayal of David Eccles and his many industries and companies. Eccles is surrounded by a railroad filled with sugar sacks, agricultural products, animals, and coins. In the background are four mountains representing the primary…
Carte-de-visite of Logan Temple. Logan, Utah. Back labeled "Cardon Art Gallery. Logan, Utah. Ace V. Stebischer, artists. Photographs of all kinds Enlarged to any size required. Copies of this Portrait may be had on application."
Image of artist Carole Warburton working with ceramics in her studio. She sells her work at the Cache Valley Gardeners' Market (Logan, UT). The market runs May-early October and houses a variety of artisans.
This is a page from the Lambin Horace commentary in which a student wrote out the metre of the text.
This page illustrates that the two separate columns show Horace's original work next to Lambin's explanation of how to translate and moralize.
Ms. Carmen Yupanqui Zaa talks about her childhood in Lima, Peru, her Peruvian traditions (carnival, Christmas, New Years, Prom) and celebrations, and her move to Utah when she was 26 years old to study for a Master’s degree in Irrigation Engineering.…