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Annual report of extension service, 1926. Agricultural Agent, Cache County, State of Utah. From December 1st, 1925 to December 1st, 1926. Annual reports narrate the agricultural extension work carried out in Cache County, including reports on…
Annual report of extension services, 1932. District extension agent, part time, Cache County, State of Utah. From November 30, 1931 to November 30, 1932. Annual reports narrate the Home Economic extension work carried out in Cache County, including…
A local farm bureau in Weber County, Utah, details the organization and accomplishments of the the Riverdale Farm Bureau from its creation in 1913 to 1918.;
Collection of reports from various extension offices around the country detailing the costs of extension work in their areas. Reports include information on salaries, costs of programs, appropriation of tax dollars (both within the extension…
Annual report of extension service, 1926. District Home Demonstration Agent, Cache County, State of Utah. From February 1st, 1926 to November 30th, 1926. Annual reports narrate the Home Economic extension work carried out in Cache County, including…
Excerpt of John A. Widstoe conducting Farmers Institutes.;
Portrait of Lowry Nelson, Experiment Station Director, 1936-1937.;
A photograph of Mae La refugee camp, Thailand. The photograph shows a number of thatched bamboo huts on a hillside, thick with foliage.
Interviewee(s): Kaw Lay
Present: David Giles, Cami Dilg, Deanna Allred, Kaw Lay, Har Be Bar, Khin Mar
Cho (Kaw…
Interviewee(s): Kaw Lay
Present: David Giles, Cami Dilg, Deanna Allred, Kaw Lay, Har Be Bar, Khin Mar
Cho (Kaw…
Tun Lay talks about his journey from Burma to Logan, Utah. He describes his time spent in refugee camps and the differences between his life then and his life now.
A clip from Interview with Eh Htoo about his life as a refugee in Thailand, serving as a porter in the Burmese military, leaving home, and immigrating to the United States.
Clip from Pyo Nwe interview, May 18, 2015. She explains the difficulties that she and her family faced (and still face) after coming to the United States.
A selection of audio from the full audio interview of Seltene Gebreselasie Gebretinsa
Isaac Sorensen family
Back:Joseph Sorensen, Henry Sorensen, Bertha Sorensen Buist, William Sorensen, Melena Sorensen, A.N. Sorensen
Front: Mary Eva Sorensen Gardner, Mary Jacobsen, Eulalia Sorensen Welch, Olive Sorensen Hughes sitting, Isaac…
Back:Joseph Sorensen, Henry Sorensen, Bertha Sorensen Buist, William Sorensen, Melena Sorensen, A.N. Sorensen
Front: Mary Eva Sorensen Gardner, Mary Jacobsen, Eulalia Sorensen Welch, Olive Sorensen Hughes sitting, Isaac…
Mendon Women.
Top: Bertha Sorensen Buist, Jane Richards Hughes, Rachel Cooley, Mercy Baker, Amanda Sweeten, Agnes Richards
Front:Mary Richards Sorensen, Charlotte Barrett Baker Richards, Ann Westover, Ethal Sorensen Walker, Mary Hancock.
Top: Bertha Sorensen Buist, Jane Richards Hughes, Rachel Cooley, Mercy Baker, Amanda Sweeten, Agnes Richards
Front:Mary Richards Sorensen, Charlotte Barrett Baker Richards, Ann Westover, Ethal Sorensen Walker, Mary Hancock.
Undergraduate assignments from introductory folklore classes where students are assigned the task of collecting stories about St. Anne's Retreat.
Fife Folklore Conference (FFC) paper covering ghost stories and legend-tripping tales from St. Anne's Retreat, Logan Canyon.
Several legend verisons of St. Anne's Retreat from student fieldwork collection assignments.
Folklore fieldwork collection assignments featuring St. Anne's Retreat in Logan Canyon.
Collection of legends from undergraduate fieldwork featuring stories about St. Anne's Retreat.
Folklore student fieldwork project containing several verisons of the St. Anne's Retreat legend.
Several legend verisons of St. Anne's Retreat from student fieldwork collection assignments.
Cache Magazine/Herald Journal newspaper article by Diane Browning (1986) talks about "A Haunted Retreat," otherwise known as St. Anne's Retreat.
Herald Journal guest commentary about the trespassing incident involving armed guards in 1997
Utah Statesman article talking about the legend-tripping incident at St. Anne's Retreat involving armed trespassing high school students and armed security guards.
Herald Journal article identifies the guards involved in an armed standoff involving 30 trespassing legend-trippers at St. Anne's Retreat.
Caretaker arrested on assault charges for his part in armed standoff at St. Anne’s Retreat involving 38 trespassing high school students.
Security guards charged with felony assault for using excessive force to restrain trespassing legend-trippers at St. Anne's Retreat (Utah State University Statesman).
The security guards responsible for the ambush of 38 trespassers at St. Anne’s retreat likely to face charges.
Reasonable force is questioned as property owner defends the actions of caretakers.
Article discusses former property co-owner , Mark Epstein, stating that the guards at St. Anne's retreat were not paid guards and their actions were not directed by the owners.
Legend-tripping teenagers trespassing at St. Anne's retreat in Logan Canyon get a real scare after being ambushed by security guards.
Herald Journal article talks about the events surrounding trespassers at St. Anne's retreat including the transcript of a conversation between a 911 dispatcher and John Jeppson.
St. Anne's property caretakers charged while trespassing legend-trippers get off the hook with all charges against the 38 youth dropped.
Local residents sound off on charges being dropped for trespassing legend-trippers and overwhelmingly expressing that the youth should be held accountable. Not saying that the armed watchmen were justified in how they handled the trespassers, but…