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Clergy of the Episcopal Church in Utah - First row: William J. Hannifin (All Souls. Garfield, Utah), Alvin Lafon (St. John's. Logan, Utah), Richard S. Watson (Bishop), William F. Bulkley (Archdeacon), Richard W. Roland (Dean, St. Marks). Second row:…
Clear cutting, Stump Hollow, Bear River Range, ca. 1910
A photograph of a group of young men cleaning the Block-A in preparation for Homecoming.
A classified ad for Mary Leapor's book Poetry on Several Occasions, saying that the books is printed for the "benefit of Author's Father."
Mendon school Class picture in front of Red Brick District School, probably between 1900-1920, with teacher Henry Gorril Hughes in back. Information found in "In the Shade of the Mountains: Histories of Mendon & Petersboro", page 93.
A photograph of the clasping hands symbol commonly found on headstones.
Ms. Clara Galeano talks about her childhood in Paraguay living and working in the countryside, about her move to Utah when she was 18 years old for medical reasons and how she has undergone thirteen surgeries, her work towards a degree at Utah State…
Claes Oldenburg, Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks, 1969; reworked 1974
Cj Guadarrama and Rebecca Goodsson at BarBC Ranch.
City Scale was an interactive play designed to illustrate the beauty of the every-day life, and focused on creating an interaction between the actors and the audience.
Sinclair Lewis's "City Man" plot reviewed by Jack London, ca. 1910.
Cinema and Wimmer's Sewing Machine and Appliance Company. Cinema marquee reads "Lovers and Other Strangers in color, Gig Young and Anne Jackson." Built about 1970. Harold M. Currell & Jesse C. tax assessment photograph (D-0334), 60 West 100 North,…
Circular Addressed by the General Church Board of Education to
Presidents of Stakes, June 8th 1888
Presidents of Stakes, June 8th 1888
This photograph was most likely taken by Zane Grey between Flagstaff and Tuba City in April 1922. A man waves at the camera (possibly George Takahashi, the parties chef) as he drives the chuck wagons.
Chronological record of events leading up to the enactment of the self-help bill known as House Bill 191 - sponsored by representative Paul Peterson and made a law by the signature of the Governor March 25, 1935. See also 1935 Utah State House Bill…
Students decorate their dorm room for Christmas. Three students, Sam Clyde, Danny Claw and Bret Greymountain, stand around a small tree that's placed between two bunks. Two unknown children, in winter outfits, are also there.
"A Christmas Carol" being performed by theater group in Mendon, undated.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of men in the Garden on Gethsemane. Since He was perfect, He took on the sins, pains, and afflictions of all humans to give everyone the opportunity to repent.
Jesus Christ and a women who committed adultery. Although one of the greatest biblical sins, Jesus showed her kindness, mercy, and forgiveness.
Chris Doerr, center, and Arthur Peasnall seen partially on the right at preliminary hearing.
Chris Curley family who located the "Monumental Highway" carving. Two adults and three children.