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Oil rig near Bluff, Utah and Monument Valley. Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, posing with Maxwell automobile.
Digging out the wheels of the Maxwell automobile. Monument Valley. Bluff. Envelope 11.
Unidentified man and horse stand next to Maxwell automobile. Tuba City. House Rock Valley. Envelope 24.
Man riding on the back of the Maxwell automobile . Overlooking San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Tuba City Indian School poses in front of the Maxwell automobile, Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Five unidentified people by the Maxwell automobile in front of home/trading post probably near the San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Camp set up near oil rig in Monument Valley. Maxwell automobile parked behind tents. Envelope 15.
Monumental highway sign carved into rock. Lee's ferry 5 miles. Near Tuba City.
Indian school teacher poses with two children, Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Two unidentified men on the road next to Maxwell automobile near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Unidentified man in the Maxwell automobile on the road, Dixie/Hurricane, Utah.
Man looking at a Maxwell automobile's engine, probably near Lee's Ferry.
Two men posing with the Maxwell automobile, Monument Valley monuments in the background. Men unidentified, presumably Dolph Andrus, William Hopkins or L.W. Clement. Envelope 17.
Dr. Hopkins swimming and drinking. Probably the San Juan or Colorado Rivers.
Two men on Lee's Ferry with Maxwell automobile. Envelope 23.
Maxwell automobile on dirt road through Monument Valley, near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Three unidentified men by campfire while hunting in Monument Valley. Envelope 15.
Loaded with luggage, Maxwell automobile on the road near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Maxwell automobile on the banks of the San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Three unidentified men and a dog in front of oil rig in Monument Valley. Envelope 15
Kaibab. Kanab. House rock. Sign reads Jacobs Lake, 46 miles to Grand Canyon. Historic Jacob Lake Ranger station was built in 1910 and is located one mile west and south of North Kaibab Vistor Center. Maxwell automobile parked in front.
Dr. William Hopkins and Dolph Andrus use a crank to pull the Maxwell automobile, on the Monumental highway expedition. Andrus at the crank.
Two men in the Maxwell automobile, probably on the banks of the San Juan River, near Comb Ridge. Envelope 1.
Three unidentified people in front of a home, possibly near Lee's Ferry. Maxwell automobile parked in front, in a grove of trees. Envelope 23.
Group with Dolph Andrus and William H. Hopkins pushing Maxwell automobile up Comb Ridge, just outside of Bluff, Utah.
First View of Colorado River:, Lee's Ferry. Maxwell automobile in picture. Envelope 23.
Two men lying on the ground next to camera. Hunting in Monument Valley. Envelope 15.
Single horse, with unidentified rider, pulling the Maxwell automobile up a hill, probably near Cedar City.
Man on river bank. Either San Juan or Colorado River. Headlight of Maxwell automobile in foreground.
Maxwell automobile in front of monument in Monument Valley, near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Two unidentified men in front of Monument Valley oil rig. Envelope 15.
Two unidentified women standing next to Maxwell automobile. Dixie. Envelope 7.
Unidentifed man, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, sitting by the Maxwell automobile which is parked by a fence just outside Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Unidentified man, probably Dolph Andrus, checking the front of the Maxwell automobile on the road near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Automobile being towed by horse drawn wagon in Monument Valley. Two unidentified men, presumably William Hopkins or Dolph Andrus or L.W. Clement.
Hunting in Monument Valley. Automobile and horses pictured. Envelope 15.
Unidentified man standing in sagebrush next to the Maxwell automobile, near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Looking up at the Maxwell automobile being pulled up a hill by wagon and horses in Monument Valley, near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Two unidentified men, one on horseback, near the Maxwell automobile, Monument Valley in the background.
Maxwell automobile on the road, Dixie. Unidentified man leaning on automobile pointing at the rock with "ZCMI" inscribed. Envelope 7.
Two horses pulling the Maxwell automobile. Unidentified rider and driver. Monument Valley, near Bluff.
Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, crouched next to the Maxwell automobile by rocks near Tuba City. Envelope 24.