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Correspondence from Bessie Spencer to Alma N. Sorensen, dated June 1, 1916
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen to Robert N. Sorensen, September 9, 1958
Correspondence from Alma N. and Mary Sorensen to Robert N. and Noel Sorensen, October 15, 1958. Envelope reads: "Moma remembers David's death. Dad is at his very best in his letter-written just two months before he died. Upbeat, positive,…
Correspondence from A.N. Sorensen to Robert N. Sorensen, May 9, 1956
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen to Robert N. Sorensen, May 3, 1958. Alma Sorensen writes about a "nurse with a come hither look", quotes Hawthorne, and mentions going to Mendon for the traditional May Queen crowning and Maypole dance.
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen and Mary Sorensen to Robert N. and Noel Sorensen, dated June 26, 1958. Envelope reads: Momma encouraging Nonnie on her second pregnancy (she lost the baby). Dad's topics are wide ranging-a terrific report.
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen and Mary Sorensen to Robert N. and Noel Sorensen, dated December 10, 1958. Envelope reads: "Wonderful last letter from Dad (he died the next day!) Prophetic because he gives a 'detached report of my physical…
Correspondence from A. C. Matheson addressed to President C.N. Jensen, Brigham Young College, April 6, 1916, proposing a contribution towards placing a life size statue of President Brigham Young in one of the campus buildings. Also included is a…
Correspondence from Iranian ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi to Daryl Chase, February 22, 1962
Correspondence between Supervisor of Cache National Forest and Logan City Over Clean Water Concerns
A copy of the Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of the 92nd Congress, Second Session, Vol. 118 No. 44, March 22, 1972
Copy of the original Monumental highway log from Bluff, Utah to Saint George, Utah.
This copy of a student ticket, originally included in a large book of student tickets, was used by a student of South Cache High School on February 17, 1932. The ticket allowed students to travel from their home station to the stop at the high…
A copperplate with a map engraved into it. The etch marks on this plate would be filled with ink and used for printing.
Mike Peel, The Copper Plate Map.
Mike Peel, The Copper Plate Map.
Coordination of Cooperative Supply Purchasing Activities in Utah, Special Report No. 161, by J. Warren Mather for the United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, Cooperative Research and Service Division, July 1946.
The Cooperative Movement in Brigham City, Utah, by Kenneth Bickmore. "This is one of a series of seminar papers, written under the direction of Dr. Joel E. Ricks, chairman, Department of History, Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah, for his…
Cooperative Marketing - History and Principles by W. Preston Thomas. This article discusses the development of cooperative marketing, the trend towards efficiency and competition, the basic economic concepts of cooperative marketing, what a…
Cooley home in Mendon, Utah, ca. 1900. Rachel Coon Cooley is the woman standing in the center. Photograph reads "Cooley Home Albert Mowry Ervin, Rachel Coon Cooley, Where Irvin". Back of photograph reads "Edna Baker with Sis. Jack a patient…
This photo shows George Takahashi cooking a meal using the chuck wagon, somewhere in the Painted Desert in Northern Arizona. This photo was likely taken by Zane Grey.