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Logan Rotarians prepare a meal at one of their summer socials up Logan Canyon.
Rotarians Bruce Smith, Fred Berthong, Peggy Tueller, and Val C. Grant care for the roses at Garff Wayside Gardens during their annual cleanup event. (Left to Right).
Every year Rotarians gather to celebrate the summer with an annual Golf and Ribs Day. The Jarvis family developed a recipe for ribs that is famous among the Rotarians of Logan. Here Rotarians remove the racks from their Chinese Smoker.
The Logan Rotary club explores the mountains surrounding the city on their annual Jeep Ride.
The Logan Rotary club's 1990-91 membership roster.
Letters to Frederick P. Champ regarding Logan Rotary club business.
The Rotary correspondence of Herschel Bullen during his year as president of the local club.
These letters include the Rotary correspondence of O. Guy Cardon, a president of the Logan club and Governor of Rotary's fifth district. Guy also owned and operated the Bluebird restaurant where the Logan Rotary club met for lunch every Thursday.
These documents detail some of the responses and explanations of the National Recovery Administration by members of Rotary International.
This page comes from a scrapbook celebrating the founding of Rotary by Paul Harris in 1905.
Frederick P. Champ's transcribed speech on business methods delivered before the District Executives of Rotary's 5th District.
This image pasted in a Rotary scrapbook shows the fireplace constructed by the club at Logan's Willow Park in 1949.
The Logan Rotary club's 2017-2018 club directory.
ROTC military formation with rifles on the Quad, circa 1918. Half of the men are in uniform and the other half are dressed in jackets and ties. Snow is on the ground. Notice the Animal Science Building under construction in the background. Size of…
This excerpt from "The West-point of the West" describes why the ROTC Sponsor Corp was necessary at USU.
The Rothschild Canticles is a collection of meditations and prayers. Includes many remarkable illustrations as well
A photograph of a German cemetery in Bremen, Germany
This photograph was taken by either Zane Grey or another unknown photographer during Zane Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. This photograph shows a line of houses located at Moencopi, a Hopi Indian settlement.
A black and white photograph of Roy and Johana Harris seated at a grand piano at their home in Logan, Utah.
A black and white photograph of Roy and Johana Harris recording their radio broadcast, Music with our Neighbors. Johana Harris is seated at the piano and Roy Harris is seated in a chair, watching as she plays.The radio set up was located in the…