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Photograph printed in a newspaper of Robert F. McCann, owner of McCann's Market.
Robert Turner during his interview for the 2017 Field School (interview lost).
Robert Turner gesturing during his interview for the 2017 Field School (interview lost).
Robert Turner laughing during his interview for the 2017 Field School (interview lost).
Robert Turner listening during interview for the 2017 Field School (interview lost).
Robert Turner signing release form with Lisa Gabbert and Guha Shankar, 8 August 2017, Triangle X Ranch, Grand Teton National Park (interview lost).
This audio file contains a recorded interview with Robin Colston regarding the history of the Logan Rotary club.
This transcript is derived from a recorded interview with Robin Colston regarding the history of the Logan Rotary club.
Illustration taken from page 64 of 'The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. With one hundred and twenty original illustrations by Walter Paget depicting Crusoe and his dog hunting
Illustration from taken from page 142 of 'Aventures de Robinson Crusoé. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée par Anatole Bordot. Illustrée de lithograpies par Hadamard. Robinson Crusoe and his pets (cats, dog, parrot, goat) eating dinner
A lithograph depicting Robinson Crusoe in his abode with two cats and a dog
Illustration of Robinson Crusoe's cats from 1842 Italian, illustrated edition of Robinson Crusoe
Interview of Mr. Ralph Robson and Mr. Merlin Thompson--Veterans of Farm Bureau Organization and Cooperative Organization, in Weber County. They discuss the early development of these, as well as the history of Utah Farm Bureau. The interview took…
Pattern of moss covered rocks forms a square with a raised rock structure in the center. It is thought to perhaps be a foundation. It may also have some other significance.
Extension service efforts to eradicate rodents which were harming agricultural efforts
Mr. Rolando Murillo talks about his childhood in El Salvador, his move to the United States because of the civil war in his country, his studies, his jobs including his current position at Cache Valley Insurance, working with Hispanic clientele, a…
A float from the 1950 Homecoming parade featuring men dressed as Roman soldiers with their weapons.
An image of the interior of the former Romney Stadium, which stood on the corner of 7th East and 8th North. The Stadium was demolished in 1966 upon the opening of the New Romney Stadium.
Rotarian Ron Monson prepares to ride Lotoja to raise funds to purchase dictionaries for the Logan Rotary project.
This transcript is derived from a recorded interview with Ronald Monson regarding the history of the Logan Rotary club.
This audio file contains a recorded interview with Ronald Monson regarding the history of the Logan Rotary club.
Rose Oppman's gravesite at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021. Rose Oppman was married to Ben Oppman.
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in the 1906 Weber County Polk Directory.
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in the 1913 Weber County Polk Directory.
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in the Daily Utah State Journal (Ogden, Utah), Thu, Jan 3, 1907.
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in The Ogden Standard (Ogden, Utah)· Sat, Dec 19, 1903.
A letter from R.W. Roskelley to Director R.H. Walker of USAC relating Point IV work in Iran
A letter from R.W. Roskelley to Dr. Franklin Harris about his recent published article and the state of Point IV work in Iran