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Dormitory reception room with a piano, a table with books and chairs, and portraits hanging on the wall. Duplicate of 7:96 and USU A-1218a.
Dormitories, Moen, Greaves, Reeder Halls, 1958. Wall of Merrill Hall (built 1957-58) shows at extreme left. View from west. Size of photograph: 7.5 x 9.25 in.
Photograph of Doris Anderson selling souveniers including book of the history of Mendon, a book with paintings by Gil Bennett (Railway Reflections), train whistles and pebble candy. Information provided by Ken Buist.
Door to Special Collections & Archives Reading Room, Merrill Library
Door to Special Collections & Archives Reading Room, Merrill Library
This is an oral history with Donald Nakahata, who was 12 at the time of evacuation and 15 by the time he left Topaz. Nakahata discusses his impressions and recollections of his internment experience.
Don Gleason's Campers Supply catalog, front cover, March 1973-74
Don Gleason's Campers Supply Inc. catalog, front cover, 1976
Don Gleason's Campers Supply Inc. catalog, front cover, 1975
A hand-carved domino found in Utah, on loan from the Golden Spike National Historic Site.
A hand-carved domino found in Utah, on loan from the Golden Spike National Historic Site.
Dolph's account of the winter of 1916-1917 in Bluff. Eighty-two page account relating numerous stories such as the "Navajo Mine Story."
Dolph Andrus with team of horses and burros, either the Colorado or San Juan River bank.
Dolph Andrus underneath a large rock monument in Monument Valley. See page 18.7 of Andrus's personal history.
Dolph Andrus tending the campfire, Jennie Clement, Irene and Torma Andrus also in the picture.
Dolph Andrus standing in front of a monument, Monument Valley.
Dolph Andrus lying down in camp next to his wife, Irene, and his daughter Torma.
Dolph Andrus holding motion picture camera, see page 37 of Andrus's personal history.
Dolores Pasaring Molina describes living through the Japanese occupation of the Philippines including being abducted by Japanese Soldiers to serve as a "comfort woman." Comfort women were women and girls who were forced or coerced into becoming…
Barbies and Ken Dolls in traditional clothing make an appearance on the haft-seen table next to colored eggs and wheat sprouts.
This is a poster detailing the public hearings held by the DOE to field questions about the implementation of repository sites in Utah.
Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for site characterization in 1983.
Material related to St. John's Episcopal Church in Logan, Utah
This picture of two creepy clowns in the woods has a caption, "Do you want to get shot? ... 'Cause this is how you'll get shot."