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Cover a booklet detailing dangers of fallout, and how to protect against fallout in the home.
Transcript of an oral history conducted with Lauren Goebel Keller. Lauren joined the USU team in 1979 and played as a outside hitter and setter. She later went on to coach volleyball at Mount Crest High School and helped led them to their first state…
Audio recording of an oral history conducted with Lauren Goebel Keller. Lauren joined the USU team in 1979 and played as a outside hitter and setter. She later went on to coach volleyball at Mount Crest High School and helped led them to their first…
Review of irrigation facilities operation and maintenance for Jordan Valley Authority : USAID/Jordan
Part of the series : Water management synthethis II project report ; 30
Keith Buswell, Adult Reflection, Walker's Barber Shop, Keokuk, Iowa
Kaw Lay's family is in the firont room. Kaw Lay is on the left with his hand on Thuza's shoulder. Khin Mar Cho is next to him wewaring a white shirtand blue/green jacket. Their daugher, Ma Se Ma is next to her wearing a green shirt and Sean, (son) is…
Kaw Lay is sitting on the floor. He is wearing purple skirt and a grey button down top. He isn't smiling. The carpet is tan. Behind him are his wife's sewing storage boxes.
Kaw Lay is sitting on the floor. He is wearing purple skirt and a grey button down top. He isn't smiling. The carpet is tan. Behind him are his wife's sewing storage boxes.
Very colorful dress poster of all the different patterns of dresses Khin Mar Cho sews for customers to supplement the family income.
The certificate presented to Kaung Lay in the previous picture. They spell his name Kaung Lay and it was presented in August, 2009.
Kaung Lay holding an employee of the month certificate from JBS Miller meat processing. He is standing in his living room in Logan Utah wearing a blue shirt. In the picture, a person from JBS is presenting Kaw Lay with the certificate.
Khin Mar Cho holding a black and white blouse she sewed. It is the companion to the black and white skirt in the other photo.
Khin Mar Cho holding a black and white skirt she sewed. The photo makes the skirt look a little yellow.
Khin Mar Cho holding a pink and white blouse she made. A companion to the skirt in the other photo.
Khin Mar Cho holding a pink and white polka dot skirt she made with embroidery on the hem.
Sean and Har Be Bar in Sean's living room. The photo is blurry, but they are smiling.
Kaung Lay, Khin Mar Cho and Thuza in their living room. Kaw Lay is holding a paper.
A line graph depicting the milk market trends over the last 30 years.