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"Aerial photo of Old Ephraim's gravesite. Includes aerial view of Right Hand Fork of Logan Canyon, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Cache County, Utah, 1981. Markings are not on original photograph. They were added in 11-2008 to the digital image.
Article on the return of the skull of Old Ephraim from the Smithsonian, printed in the Utah State University newspaper Student Life, vol. 75, no. 80, on May 17, 1978. The article was written by Peggy Boss, staff writer.
Snow sculpture of Old Ephraim made by Utah State University students (negative). 1960s
Marianna L. Israelsen drawing of Old Ephraim, 1959. Illustration is included in Newell R. Crookston's
Photograph portrait of Frank Clark, taken ca. 1920. Photograph courtesy of courtesy of Dean and Marcia Green.
Photograph of skull of Old Ephraim. View from the right side of the skull, 2008
Photograph of teeth on the left side of Old Ephraim's skull, 2008.
Photograph of serial number stamped on Old Ephraim's skull, 2008. "243406." Serial number is printed on the right side of the skull.
Photograph of Smithsonian tag on the skull of Old Ephraim, 2008. Tag reads: ""Smithsonian Institution, United States, National Museum. 243406. Ursus horribilis, Utah : Logan Canon [Canyon] Geo [George] R. Hill, Jr., July 1922.""
Song "Old Ephraim" from journal of George R. Hill, Jr., Undated. Typewritten.
Letter from Owen De Spain, Forest Ranger to Frank Clark, January 19, 1953 about typing up his story of killing Old Ephraim.
Photograph of a flock of sheep being trailed with sheep camp and herders in Willard, ca. 1905.
Photograph of a large herd of sheep grazing on a hillside, herders in foreground, Box Elder County. Between 1895 and 1925.
Photograph of overgrazed and burned area, Bear River Range, 1925.
A photograph of a herder with his sheep. Sheep are grazing on the hillside while herder sits with his dog, 1880-1950.
A photograph of Cache National Forest Grazing survey camp at Franklin Basin Ranger Station, Franklin County, Idaho. 1900s.
Black and white photograph of a group of people looking for a bear in Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Utah, July 1908. Image is from a family album, in the possession of Don Smith, that shows a summer camping trip in Blacksmith Fork Canyon in July 1908.…
"The Wasters and Destroyers : Community Sponsored Predator Control in Early Utah Territory" by Victor C. Sorensen. A Plan B Paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Social Science in History, Utah State…
Photograph of "Learn to live with bears" sign from Department of Wildlife Resources, Utah.
Photograph of scouts who retrieved Old Ephraim's head. Pictured are Ezra Cardon, Alma Burgoyne, Harold Rosengreen, Lester Dunford, Fred Hodgson, Henry Dains, Herbert May, and Horace Bunce. Probably Logan Canyon. 1923.
Black and white photo of Ephraim's grave, between 1966 and 1980. A boy stands next to the grave holding a gun.
A sculpture of Old Ephraim along Washington Street in Montpelier, 2019.
Letter from Frank Clark to Owen De Spain, February 16, 1953 giving De Spain permission to publish Clark's story in the Logan paper. Handwritten.
Photograph of Cache Valley landscape, 1910. View shows unidentified homes and barns in the distance.
Early Winters catalog, front cover, 1979
Alpenlite catalog, front cover, 1973
Photograph of poem on Old Ephraim monument, July 2019.
Photograph of the left side of Old Ephraim's grave, July 2019.
Photograph of the right side of the Old Ephraim monument, July 2019.