
Karen Franco, Alex Pineda, Flor Pacheco, Hector Hernandez, Luis Madrigal, Yasmeen Pineda and Maria R. focus group interview on November 7, 2012. Latino/a students at Mt. Crest High School in Hyrum, Utah, talk about their family, Hispanic heritage,…
Flylow catalog, front cover, 2019
Flylow catalog, front cover, 2018
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Congregants distribute flyers during the Shia procession, stating "there is no place for terrorism in Islam." The flyers include a quote from the Quran 5:32 that reads: "...whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he killed all…
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Flyer for rededication of synagogue gathering, September 1990.
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Two flyers left under the chairs at the Nowruz celebration venue. The flyer in English is a sponsored ad for the Nowruz event. The flyer in Farsi advertises "the first Iranian-Italian" buffet and catering service in the area.
Flume of the Logan-Smithfield canal, mouth of Logan Canyon
Photograph of Floyd and Thelma Salturn, owners of the Island Market grocery store. This photograph was printed alongside an article in the Herald Journal, titled "When People Still Keep Coming Back: Mr. and Mrs. Salturn in Business 20 Years." The…
Flowfold catalog, front cover, 2016
A picture of flowers on the grave of Mrs. R. C. Papendick
Flower pattern woven into a Burmese mat at Snay Tun's house in Logan, Utah on May 19, 2015, made apparently by weaving different-colored strands of plastic together.
Florian Company catalog, front cover, 1991
Floral display on the grave of Arthur Neeley, Brigham City, Utah, Cemetery
Miss Flor Pacheco discusses her heritage – her parents being from El Salvador, and her views on the perceived differences between the life in El Salvador, versus the United States (as she regularly visits family in El Salvador). She talks about how…
Decorative floor rugs that the Karen people use to cover carpet because it is easier to clean while protecting the carpeting.
Rough draft of a paper titled: Flood Control on the Cache National Forest
Photograph of a flock of sheep being trailed with sheep camp and herders in Willard, ca. 1905.
Flock of sheep being trailed with sheep camp and herders in Willard, ca. 1905.
Correspondence with Mrs. W.H. Fleming, coordinator of Centennial of St. John's Church regarding information for Centennial Report
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A close up image of the wood block prints showing two different types of ears of wheat.
The Anti-Islamic Republic of Iran rally in the Westwood area, LA. Flags of the last Iranian monarchy toppled by the 1979 Iranian revolution that led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Most demonstrators root for the reestablishment…
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A Lamborghini on the procession route with a red flag on the hood that read "labbayk ya Hussain." The phrase is used in commemoration of the Shia Imam and means "I am at your service, O Hussain."
This is the flag of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which is part of the United States Department of the Interior.
A male flagbearer holds a very large black flag in the middle of the street. A group of male Shia mourners, all wearing black, and several other flags, can be seen in the background.
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Riverland Barber Shop, 2762 Davie Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Riverland Barber Shop, 2762 Davie Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Fjall Raven catalog, front cover, 2019
Five unidentified people by the Maxwell automobile in front of home/trading post probably near the San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Preliminary hearing for watchment involved in St. Anne's trespassing ordeal.
Five Ten catalog, front cover, 2004
Five Ten catalog, front cover, 2003
Dolph, Irene and Torma Andrus, and Jennie Clement next to five burros and their backs.
Fishing party in Logan Canyon
Fishing party camped by a stream (possibly Logan Canyon)
Men in fishing gear, holding fly fishing rods and fish, stand in a wooded camp area surrounded by children and women, Logan, Utah. All but the young girls are wearing hats of varying types.
Fischer catalog, front cover, 2004-2005
Fischer catalog, front cover, 1977-1978
Fischer catalog, front cover, 2018
Fischer catalog, front cover, 2016
Fischer catalog, front cover, 1981
Fischer catalog, front cover, 1980
St. John's Episcopal Church in Logan. First church, 263 West Center Street. Building used from 1877-1908. New church built at 85 East 1st North in 1908-1909.
By April 6, 1948, Quinney had successfully sold the real estate and property of the U.I.C. to accumulate the funds necessary to pay off the company's debts and refund the cost of stocks and bonds held by individuals such as Frederick Champ. This…
First Security Bank drive thru, Green Stamps store, Olson and Hoggan lawyer office tax assessment photograph (D-0049), 54 West Center, Logan, Utah. Charles P. Olson & L. Brent Hoggan.
First Security Bank drive thru tax assessment photograph (D-0050), 14 West Center, Logan, Utah. Tax assessment card available.
First Security Bank drive in tax assessment photograph (D-0050), 14 West Center, Logan, Utah. Torn down around 1970. Tax assessment card available.
Transcript of radio broadcast about the first railroad into Cache Valley
First Presidency letter explaining reasons the Church does not support the ERA
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