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A handful of hand-carved marbles in various colors and materials, found in an abandoned Utah town, now belonging to the Golden Spike National Historic Site.
A handful of hand-carved marbles in various colors and materials, found in an abandoned Utah town, now belonging to the Golden Spike National Historic Site.
Winter view of the President's house looking southeast from below the brow of Old Main Hill, ca. 1950s.
Farm Machine class, March 1944. Pictured is: (left to right) [unnamed], Claud Sorensen, Jess Walker, L.K. Wood, [unnamed], [unnamed], and [unnamed].
Photograph of the T. Kay and Maxine Sorensen family working on a farm in Mendon, Utah
Threshing grain by horse, possibly in the Mendon Town Square. Left to right: Matthew Forster, Parley Sorensen, A.W. Richards, Ephraim Shelton, Abraham Sorenson, and Amos Hardman.
Farm equipment and boy on a horse in the Forster Yard, Mendon, Utah, between 1890 and 1920
L. K. (Lynn) Wood on half-scale Russel steam engine, located on First North between Highway 23 (First West) and Main Street in Mendon. Information gathered from Shirley Stauffer Darley and Rodney J. Sorensen.
Pulling match between the "Old Betsy" engine and another tractor. These machines were often used in threshing competitions. From left to right: Fred Taylor and Lynn Wood. Information gathered from Clyde Muir.
"New Fires" produced by Mendon Theatrical Society in the 1960s, revived by Richard Watkins in 1969. Featured is (left to right) Coy Anderson, Keith Sorensen, Debbie Bartlett, Lizzy Barrett (standing), Steve Hardman, [unnamed, possible first name is…
Photograph of Sweeten's Band in Mendon, Utah. Includes from left to right, front row: 1. Joseph H. Hancock, 2. Mormon D. Bird. Second row: 1. Ervin Gardner (possibly Alfred Irvin Gardner?), 2. William Isaac Sorensen, 3. George Hughes, 4. Gills…
Thomas Kay Sorensen sitting on a couch. Backside of photograph says "Richard Watkins, Mendon." Information provided by Shirley Stauffer Darley.
Three women, possible students, standing outside at the Intermountain Inter-Tribal School. All are wearing traditional dress, (Left to right) Papago (pink), Navajo (dark pink and blue), Apache (yellow).
Students decorate their dorm room for Christmas. Three students, Sam Clyde, Danny Claw and Bret Greymountain, stand around a small tree that's placed between two bunks. Two unknown children, in winter outfits, are also there.
An image of various May Day dresses on display that are made out of plastic, paper, and fabric. These dresses have been used over the years in Mendon, Utah for the May Day celebration.
A map of Mendon, Utah including Petersboro, and Cobblestone. The map includes houses, businesses, fire hydrants, highway mile markers and church ward boundaries.
An image of a pioneer home in Mendon, Utah with a milk stand in front.
A typed manuscript about Rosa Thurston, a missing child from the 1860s, and how she might have been taken.
A photograph of Joseph B. Richards and two horses near a barn.
A photograph of Joseph B. Richards and two horses, Maud and her colt.
A photograph of a cross country race in Mendon, Utah on July 24, 1974, Pioneer Day.
A photograph of the Steam Threshing Bee featuring L.K. Wood's steam threshers. Original file titled "Circus Calliope."
A typed manuscript about Rosa Thurston, a missing child from the 1860s, and how she might have been taken.
A photograph of the Wellsville Mountains with Memorial Day poppies planted by residents of Mendon, Utah.
A photograph of Henry G. Hughes, the first bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Mendon, Utah.
A photograph of L.K. Wood riding on his steam thresher in the 1947 Fourth of July parade in Logan, Utah.
A postcard with a picture of Joseph H. Watkins and two girls in an oxen-pulled wagon. The girls are his daughter, Flora Watkins, and Lilian Jensen. The image was taken on Pioneer Day, July 24, 1924.
A Mendon City Pioneer Days & Sesquicentennial Celebration program from July 24, 2010.
A Mendon City Pioneer Days & Sesquicentennial Celebration program from July 24, 2010.
A photograph of a taxidermy bear for Deseret News article "Old Ephraim is Back: USU Displays Grizzly," May 17, 1978.
Herald Journal article concerning the dedication of the Old Ephraim monument, September 23, 1968.
Article covering Fred Summers version of the Old Ephraim legend. Fred Summers was a sheepherder who heard the story from Frank Clark.
A photograph of a statue of Old Ephraim in front of American Savings in Logan, 1986.
A brochure from American Savings explaining the Legend of Old Ephraim.
An article from Bear Lake Magazine describing the story of Old Ephraim, September 15, 1979.
Keith Jorgensen's Magnavox Home Entertainment Center heading with story of Old Ephraim typed, between 1960 and 1979.
KVNU program copy of the Old Ephraim account, September 30, 1975. Transcript is typed with handwritten edits.
Photograph portrait of Frank Clark, taken ca. 1920. Photograph courtesy of courtesy of Dean and Marcia Green.
A photograph of Cache National Forest Grazing survey camp at Franklin Basin Ranger Station, Franklin County, Idaho. 1900s.