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Idaho Troops, San Pedro Macati, Phillippine Islands
Esperanza Tabisha works at her small clothing business in Kakuma refugee camp.
Flyer created by the Union of Concerned Scientists for the purpose of informing people about all possible down sides of nuclear power. Flyer encourages all people to attending meetings and vote against nuclear power.
Flyer created by the Union of Concerned Scientists for the purpose of informing people about all possible down sides of nuclear power. Flyer encourages all people to attending meetings and vote against nuclear power.
Broadside advertisement published to announce the completion of the TCRR in 1869. The advertisement is printed in red and blue ink and lists the various towns, connections, and states available via the TCRR.
Color illustration depicting the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. Caption: "BUILDING THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD IN NEBRASKA."
Clipper Gap Tunnel, U.P.R.R. Placer County, California. Photographer Unknown
Broadside advertisement for the Union Pacific Railroad as far as it was completed in 1867. Features a woodcut illustration of a train car, lists of amenities, and details about the completed route.
The Union Pacific tourist : illustrated sketches of the principal health and pleasure resorts of the great West and Northwest, embracing Yellowstone Park, Shoshone Falls and Yosemite and the chief points of interest in the Rocky Mountain region, all…
This bulletin from the United States Brewers' Association, the largest amalgamation of brewers interests at the time, announces several bills regarding prohibition circulating in the United States House of Representatives. Two of the bills prohibited…
This table shows the amount of SNAP participants in Cache County. It does not express the percentage of participants based on county population, but that is discussed in the exhibit. SNAP program benefits are available to those whose income fall…
A poster created by the United States Department of the Interior for the National Park Service in 1938. It depicts a geyser, Old Faithful, in Yellowstone with text promoting tourism in Yellowstone National Park.
This is the flag of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which is part of the United States Department of the Interior.
U.S. Geological Survey topographic map of Salt Lake City and the surrounding Western United States. Prepare by the Army Map Service (ASSX), Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Washington D. C. Compiled in 1955 by photo-planimetric methods using road data…
U.S. Geological Survey topographic map of the North Salt Lake City Quadrangle in 1951. Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey. Topography from aerial photographs by multiplex methods and by plane-table surveys 1925, 1934, and 1951.…
U.S. Geological Survey topographic map of the North Salt Lake City Quadrangle in 1963. Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey. Topography from aerial photographs by multiplex methods and by plane-table surveys 1925, 1934, and 1951.…
Certificate no. 657 recording the patent of land granted to George W. Baker, as mayor and trustee of Mendon City. The certificate was issued on September 2, 1872 under U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, and recorded in the Cache County Record Book "B"…
Certificate no. 657 recording the patent of land granted to George W. Baker, as mayor and trustee of Mendon City. The certificate was issued on September 2, 1872 under U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, and recorded in the Cache County Record Book "B"…
Aerial photograph that covers from Green Canyon to Logan Canyon. Includes the USU campus and the Hillcrest Airport.
Cache National Forest, Girl Scout camp, Logan Canyon, Spring Hollow. Black and white photograph (4 x 6 in).