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Wilford Woodfruff - 4th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
No. 116. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. No. 116- Rocks in Echo Canon. Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 6. M.H.S. Hotel, 446 feet long. Photographed by Yellowstone National Park
Union Pacific R.R. Great Trestle Bridge Over North Platte. Andrew Joseph Russell, Photographer
No. 36. Grotto Geyser Series. Crater, Main Chimney, Grotto Geyser from E. Yellowstone National Park View. Photographed by William I. Marshall
No 104. Views in the Rocky Mountains. Rock near Platte Canon. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 292. Union Pacific R.R. Looking down from Death's Rock Echo Kanyon. Andrew Joseph Russell, Photographer
No. 4720. Great Salt Lake, Utah. Lake Point Hotel. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
Views in Wyoming Territory, 1870. Shoshone Indians. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 293. Views of the Rocky Mountains. Red Sand Stone Rocks, Laramie Plains. John Carbutt, Photographer
No. 17. Upper Geyser Basin, across from Pluto's Well. Yellowstone National Park. Photographed by William I. Marshall
No. 338. Union Pacific R.R. Snake Head Rock, Echo City. Andrew Joseph Russell, Photographer
No. 12. Old Faithful Geyser Eruption Series. Old Faithful from E. Near view. Yellowstone National Park. Photographed by William I. Marshall
No. 212. Union Pacific Railroad. The Platte River and Kinsley's Brigade. Photographed by John Carbutt
No. 35. The Grand Canon of the Colorado, near the foot of To-ro-weap Valley. A view of the south wall of the gorge, as seen from the opposite side. (F.79.). Expedition of 1872. Photographed by William Bell
No. 126. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. Castle Rock, Echo Canon. Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 109. The Magic Spring and Fissured Ridge Series. Snowy Cascades, Lime Formation. Yellowstone National Park Views. Photographed by William I. Marshall
Jackson Photograph. Dale Creek Bridge. Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 50. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. Castle Rock, Echo Canon. Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 126. Views in the Rocky Mountains. Independence Rock, from the East. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 77. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. Devil's gate, Weber Canon. Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 115. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. Rocks in Echo Canon, under the Amphitheater. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 195. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. Crossing of the North Platte at Ft. Fred Steele Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 79. Expedition of 1873. Issuing Rations to the Navajoes, Fort Defiance, N.M. T.H. O'Sullivan, Photographed by Geo. M. Wheeler. Expedition of 1873
No. 3252. Zion Corporated Store, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photographed by Kilburn Brothers
Union Pacific R.R. Shadow Lake from N.E. Andrew Joseph Russell Photographer
No. 90. Cap of Liberty. Yellowstone National Park Views. Photographed by William I. Marshall
No. 158. Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad. The Old Deseret Store. Photographed by William Henry Jackson
No. 4721. Great Salt Lake, Utah. Lake Point. W.H. Jackson Photographer
No. 1. Yellowstone Series. Mud Puffs. Lower Fire Hole Basin. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 34. Giant Geyser Series. Crater of Giant Geyser. Yellowstone National Park View. Photographed by William I. Marshall
No. 21. Yellowstone Series. Crater of the Castle and Hot Spring Basin. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 28. Expedition of 1873. Navajo boys and Squaw, in front of the quarters at old Fort Defiance, N.M., now unoccupied by troops. The agency for the Navajos is located here. T.H. O'Sullivan, Photographed by Geo. M. Wheeler. Expedition of 1873
No. 7140. American Views. Pulpit Rock, Echo Canyon. Union Pacific Rail Road. Photographed by American Views
No. 115. Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Leaf Form in Limestone. 2D View. Yellowstone National Park Views. Photographed by William I. Marshall.
No. 233. Views in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Expedition of 1874. Settlers' Cabin, in the Rio de las Mancos. W. H. Jackson, Photographer
Fire Hole Series, No. 5. Lone Maiden, Below Lower Geyser Basin. Yellowstone National Park Views. Copyright 1876, Photographed by William I. Marshall
The Grand Canon of the Colorado, near the mouth of Kanab Creek. The river has here cut its channel about 3,500 feet below the general level of the country. (F.64.) Expedition of 1872. Photographed by William Bell
No. 7. M.H.S. Hotel, loading up the Stage. Photographed by Yellowstone National Park
No. 9. Crater of Old Faithful Geyser. Yellowstone National Park. Photographed by William I. Marshall
No. 218. Views in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Expedition of 1874. Natural Arch, under Citadel Rock. Colorado Decide. W.H. Jackson, Photographer
No. 455. Stereoscopic Views on Line of Union Pacific R.R. Hanging Rock, near Echo, U.P.R.R. Charles Weitfle, Photographer
No. 227. Union Pacific R.R. Looking East from Tunnel No. 2. Andrew Joseph Russell, Photographer