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Oil painting of Young Woman Playing with a Dog by Jean Honore Fragonard
This is an artists depiction of the Bear River Massacre site. While the exact site has been argued over, this general area is considered accurate.
The poem "The Grumbling Hive" by Bernard Mandeville 1705
The Royal College of Physicians, Trafalgar Square: Sir James Alderson delivering the Harveian lecture. Wood engraving, 1854.
Cropped image from the page of Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language showing the definition of the word "pet"
Lithograph of a woman with a dog on her knee having her hair dressed by a female assistant
Illustration taken from page 64 of 'The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. With one hundred and twenty original illustrations by Walter Paget depicting Crusoe and his dog hunting
This is a drawing of John Eliot preaching to the Native American people of New England. He translated the Bible into their native language to better spread Christianity.
This is a picture of Native American children being taught by Christian missionaries. The boarding schools were forced on the Native American people.
This is the Title page of David Brainerd's Journal. He taught among the Native American people indigenous what is now New Jersey.
Students carry a banner reading "Free Angela" at a political rally.
photograph of Angela Davis and Valerie Rubiz at the Committee for the Right of the Black Panther Party to Exist rally at Garfield High School, Seattle, 1970
Poster depicting two police officers restraining an African-American student with billy clubs. Associated with the San Francisco State University student strike of 1968.
Pamphlet published by the National United Committee to Free Angela Davis to in order to promote the cause of her acquittal.
Flier for a mass rally hosted by the Portland Committee to Free Angela Davis, featuring her mother, Sallye Davis
Broadside featuring poetry by Kuweka Amiri Mwandishe and art by Talita Long. Proceeds went to support the Free Angela Davis Defense Fund.
Illustration from 1874 illustrated edition of Gulliver's Travels depicting the sorrel nag protecting Gulliver from the Yahoos
Illustration from 1874 illustrated edition of Gulliver's Travels
Image taken from page 406 of 'Gulliver's Travels ... New edition depicting Gulliver imitating the gesture and movements of the Houyhnhnm
Excerpt of an interview given from jail in which Angela Davis explains why she takes offense to interviewers asking her if she condones violence.
Bumper stickers promoting the Equal Rights Amendment, or ERA. These bumper stickers read, "Another Mormon for the ERA"; "ERA YES"; "The Equal Rights Amendment Includes Women in the Constitution."
This is a pamphlet given out at a seminar in November 1970. The seminar was held in Salt Lake City, UT, and it was a seminar on equality in Utah Employment
a man looks at the projects donated by local elementary students to the convocation at the war and peace center