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A man sings laments during a Shai mourning ritual commemorates the third Shia Imam--Imam Hossein.
Man riding on the back of the Maxwell automobile . Overlooking San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Man riding on the outside of Maxwell automobile, overlooking San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Man sitting in car with fishing poles hanging out back of car
Mountain scene showing a man standing in front of covered carriage pulled by two horses while several other people sit in the carriage (probably Logan Canyon)
Unidentified man standing in sagebrush next to the Maxwell automobile, near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Man standing next to a tent set up under an overhanging rock
Unidentified man standing with camera next to Maxwell automobile. Monuments of Monument Valley in the background. Near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Participants take photos with women in traditional Zoroastrian clothing during the Zoroastrian ceremony of Sadeh.
Man taking picture near Monument Valley, Standing next to Maxwell automobile. Two unidentified men, presumably Dolph Andrus, William Hopkins, or L. W. Clement.
A man standing with his dhow boat (Jahazi) in Kenya. Photo taken by Kenyaboy7, March 7, 2008.
A Management Study of the Cache Elk Herd by Norman V. Hancock. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Wildlife Management, Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah, 1955.
This photograph was taken by the Technicolor Government Services on February 23, 1945. This photograph depicts refugees leaving Manilla to go behind American lines.
This program celebrates the opening of the Caine Performance Hall at Utah State University in 2006.
A typed manuscript about Rosa Thurston, a missing child from the 1860s, and how she might have been taken.
A typed manuscript about Rosa Thurston, a missing child from the 1860s, and how she might have been taken.
A map of the entire continent of Africa.
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 12 and 13 as found in Richard Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 12 and 13 as found in Richard Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
A map showing the continent of Asia
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 10 and 11 as found in Richard Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 10 and 11 as found in Richard Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
This is a hand-drawn map of the Bear River Massacre. It is from USU's Special Collections.
The Logan City community garden will be located at Bridger Park in Logan. Plans for the garden were announced in February 2016.
A map of Europe
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 8 and 9 as found in Richard Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 8 and 9 as found in Richard Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
This map displays the interurban lines and their connections in Utah in 1916. The initials of the creators, J.R. and H.C.E., are located at the bottom left. The map shows the new ability of citizens of Utah to travel to areas throughout the state by…
A map showing North America as Europe knew it in the mid 1700s.
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 14 and 15, as found in Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between pages 14 and 15, as found in Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
A map of South America
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between the pages 16 and 17, as found in Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
Richard Turner, A View of the Earth, insert between the pages 16 and 17, as found in Turner's A View of the Heavens, (USU SCA).
Map of strategic routes between Salt Lake City, Utah and California preapred for the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States by the Lincoln highway Association. Points of interest include highways, trails, lakes, national parks, mountains,…
A map of the Great Platte Valley Route of the Union Pacific Railroad and its connections, produced by land agent O.F. Davis. Captions: "The Highway of Nations. New York, San Francisco." "1,000,000 Acres of Choice Farming Land re now offered for Sale…
This map, titled: "New Map of Great Tokyo and Yokohama" highlights the U.S.A.A.F's possible aerial bombardment targets in Tokyo during World War II.
Map showing location of Cache County in Utah, taken from Wikimedia for use in the Eritrean voices project.
Screenshot of a map showing modern active canals. The diversion point from Blacksmith Fork has been circled to show the distance from Providence.
Map depicting the states that passed or did not pass the Equal Rights Amendment
Map showing surface, drain and well water quality along the EGMC Irrigation System, September 1986. Part of the Review of Jordan Valley Authority Irrigation Facilities, Water Management Synthesis Project report.
This map was created by the Bamberger Electric Company and is an updated version of the 1916 map included earlier. It depicts the lines of the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad, the Bamberger Electric Railroad, and the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad with their…
This is a map of power reactors throughout the US, either planned or operating, by the year 1980.