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Ticket to the Louis Armstrong concert held to celebrate USU Homecoming 1958.
This photograph was taken by either an unknown photographer or Zane Grey on his April 1922 trip. Louise Anderson and Lillian Wilhelm Robertson play barefoot in a stream on the return journey.
This photograph was most likely taken by Zane Grey during his trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Louise Anderson (Zane Grey's current mistress) and Lillian Wilhelm Anderson (the cousin of Zane Grey's wife, "Dolly" Lina Roth Grey) underneath a tent…
This photograph was taken by either Zane Grey or an unknown photographer on Zane Grey's April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. Louise Anderson poses at a camp either in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona.
This photograph was taken by either Zane Grey or another unknown photographer during Zane Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Louise Anderson holds a Navajo [?] girl at the Wetherill's house at Kayenta, Arizona.
This photograph was most likely to taken by Zane Grey on his April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. Louise Anderson inside Tsegi Canyon.
This photograph was most likely taken by Zane Grey during his trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Louise Anderson kneels with a camera [?] on top of a mountain in Northern Arizona or Southern Arizona.
This photograph was taken by either Zane Grey or an unknown photographer on Zane Grey's April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. Louise Anderson posing in a hollow rock somewhere in Northern Arizona and Southern Arizona.
This photograph was taken by either Zane Grey or an unknown photographer on Zane Grey's April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. Louise Anderson stands in a hollow rock somewhere in Northern Arizona or Southern Utah.
This photogrph was taken by either Zane Grey or another unknown photographer during Zane Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Louise Anderson sits with a Navajo child outside of the Wetherill house in Kayenta, Arizona.
A window sign redirects customers to the new location of "Gallery-e Eshgh" (Love Gallery), an Iranian store in Westwood.
Book cover, inscription, and title pages of Love of Life by Jack London. Published by Macmillan Company in 1907, this book is a first edition copy composed of v, 265 pages and is 20 cm. tall. It is inscribed to Charmian London and signed by Jack…
These posters come from the "Unite Against the War' an exhibition of Anti War Posters created by various California artists at UC Berkley. The artists did not sign their work, wishing to remain anonymous and be a part of a larger movement.
Low Cost Drugs store and Modern Drug Store visible. November 1979. 101 North Main Street. Logan, Utah
Lowe Alpine Systems catalog, front cover, 1993-1994
Portrait of Lowry Nelson, Experiment Station Director, 1936-1937.;
Wanto Company Grocery store in California with sign, "I AM AN AMERICAN" in 1942. Once relocation was ordered, Japanese Americans were forced to sell their businesses and leave their jobs regardless of loyalty to the United States.
Portrait of Lucas Turner next to the hat rack in Jubal House. He had just told us that he is six feet and five inches tall.
Professor Lucy Delgadillo talks about her childhood in Nicaragua during the civil war, her life in Costa Rica, her feelings on being a citizen of a country with voting rights (Costa Rica, USA), her move to Kentucky to education through an American…