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The Logan Island area, from River Heights, with Utah State University campus in the distance, after construction of steel retaining wall along 4th North widening around university campus.
Front page of the Logan Journal, January 1, 1890. To see the full edition, visit:
View from Eagle Hotel, looking east. View of Logan Knitting Factory, Logan Temple, J.P. Smith & Son Printing Shop. Logan, Utah
Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Logan, Utah. Logan Temple.
Front page of the Logan Leader, October 9, 1879. A full version of the newspaper can be seen at:
A view of Main Street looking South from First South in 1921. U.I.C. tracks are visible down the center of the street. On the right hand side is a view of a U.I.C. station and coal yard. This station was not the main Logan station, but was used to…
Looking South on Main Street from First North to Center Street in 1921. U.I.C. tracks travel down the center of Main Street. The Logan Tabernacle can be seen on the left side of the street and S.E. Needham Jewelers is visible on the right. This photo…
This gold bond was created for the inauguration of the Logan Rapid Transit Company on January 1, 1913. The bond was worth $500 with a 6% annual interest rate for the company's first mortgage. It was created and authorized by the Ogden Savings Bank.…
Logan Canyon, Utah. Second Dam, ca. 1903. Logan River below Second Dam, showing intake flume of Hercules Power Plant. Black and white photograph (7.5 x 9.5 in) mounted on board.
South Main Street and a bridge over the Logan River in 1930. U.I.C. tracks can also be seen crossing the bridge at the right of the street. This photo was taken by the Logan City Corporation.
Logan Canyon, Utah. Canyon river and bridge. Man standing on riverbank behind bridge. Black and white photograph (8 x 10 in).
Rotarians stand near a water purification tower constructed with assistance from the Rotary Club of Iquitos, Peru and Brigham City and Millcreek, Utah.
Rotarians gather to place Rotary stickers in the dictionaries that the club provides to every 3rd grader in Cache and Rich counties.
Logan Rotarians raised funds to present a television to Sunshine Terrace, the first retirement home in Logan.
This ledger contains a list of meeting attendance and membership dues collections from 1933-1957.
This book contains the attendance of the club for the 1951-52 year.
This financial report shows the incomes, expenses, and cash on hand for the Logan Rotary club during the 1951-1952 fiscal year.
This document shows the incomes and expenses of the Logan Rotary club for the 1951-52 fiscal year.
This report details the incomes and expenditures of the Logan Rotary club for the fiscal year of 1956-57.
An invitation to the wives of Rotary club members, also known as Rotary Anns, to the club's annual Christmas Party.
Rotary club ballots used for electing the club's leadership for the following year. In the 1990s, the club moved away from an election-based system to a nomination and confirmation system when appointing leaders.
The Logan Rotary club's 1950-51 membership roster. Rotary International divides the world's clubs into various districts lead by district governors. Utah's clubs have been in the 5th and 165th district.
This excerpt features a newspaper clipping discussing the Rotarians '49ers Party in 1953.