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Photograph of teeth on the left side of Old Ephraim's skull, 2008.
Photograph of skull of Old Ephraim. View from the right side of the skull, 2008
Merrill Library grafitti - "Jerome - patron saint of librarians and bookbinders" - drawing of elderly man holding a book and an angel amidst clouds
Merrill Library graffiti - "Thanks Otis" written on the wall above an elevator
Merrill Library graffiti - "Moving sale employees 50% off buy 2 special collections workers and we'll throw in an archivist absolutely free"
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of woman wearing headband
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of a man wearing a necktie
Merrill Library graffiti - "Each day Becky had to decide whether to use her vast cataloging powers Good or Evil"
Merrill Library graffiti - various writings on a column
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of man looking across the quad at Old Main sitting at the Merrill library - "Farewell A.J."
Farming and Hunting: Stories from the Jensen Living Historical Farm. Compiled in 1991. Contains: "Encounters with Grizzlies;" The Great Varmint Hunt;" "Old Ephraim-the last grizzly bear in Logan Canyon" by Nora Dunne Slauson; 1917 "Fishing in…
Black and white photogrpah of St. John's Episcopal Church exterior in Logan, Utah. 2 of 2
Black and white photogrpah of St. John's Episcopal Church exterior in Logan, Utah. 1 of 2
Detail of window in a stone church in Providence, Utah, erected 1870 at a cost of $ 12,800. Photo by A.J. Simmonds.
Exterior of St. John's Episcopal Church in Logan, Utah, photograph taken by A. J. Simmonds
Exterior of St. John's Episcopal Church in Logan, Utah, photograph taken by A. J. Simmonds
Centennial celebration publication for St. John's Episcopal Church, Logan, Utah
J.B. Silvis, Rocky Mountain Scenery. Views of the Pacific Rail Road. Near Sherman U.P.R.R. WY. Photographed by J. B. Silvis
A poster for the Saint or Sinner Dinner roast hosted by Sigma Nu Fraternity for homecoming 1975.